Chapter 8

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Hey guys!!! I'm Sky!! And now let's back to the story!! Yeah!! 😎

Hope you enjoy!!!

Ultraman is own by Tsuburaya
Bad Grammar
My original idea

???: Ah~ I knew you we're here~

Zero: !!!

Ginga: Who are you!!?!

Victory: Wait!!! Don't said that..

???: Hahahahah!!! Yes it is~

X: Tch!!

Geed: Wait!! What you guys mean!?

Blu: Our planet got attack!!

Rosso: But....Who?

???: Who else you think?~ *glare at Zero*

Zero: !? Why he glare at me like that!?

???: But....I'm just follow her "OrDeR"

Zero: What you mean by that!?!

???: But.....*smirk* I will let you see it~ *disappeared*

All of them just shocked seeing that. They decide to got to the centre but Victory quickly take a crystal that they saw and bring it to Hikari.

Zero: Ok, Now...Let's go!!!

All: HAI!!!


Lucia: Hahahahahahaha!!! This so fun than I expected~

Seven: Lucia....w...why!?

Lucia: Why you said? Let me think...Ahah!! So you know how it feels to lose someone that precious to you~

Seven: What.....what you mean!!?

Lucia: Don't you forget? You put our son in orphanage and it's your fault he didn't touch the plasma!!!

Leo: So...You want him to become evil like Belial!!!

Lucia: Hahahahahah!!! Yeah of course~

Seven: .....Yo-

Zero: FATHER!!!!

Seven: Zero!!

Ginga: Zero wait!!!

Zero than saw a woman there. But he feel like he saw that woman somewhere.

Zero: Wait!! I think I saw he before but...where?

Lucia notice a necklace that Zero wear. She the smile and said....

Lucia: I can't believe you wear my necklace!! Didn't you miss me Zero?

Zero: The necklace!!! Mo....Mom...

Lucia just smile after Zero call her mom.

Zero: MOM!!!

Before Zero go to Lucia, Taro hold his hand and he stopped him from going there.

Zero: Let me go!!!

Taro: No Zero!! That's not your mother!! She turn darkness!!!

Zero: Well...She will not turn into darkness if you didn't let her go!!!

Taro: .....

Zero try to get from Taro but Ace and Jack hold him from going to Lucia. Lucia feel angry watching the ultras stopped him go to her.

Lucia: son....GO!!!!!

Suddenly a darkness power is surrounding her and it's make everyone feel shocked include Zero.

Lucia: Don't you dare touch my SON!!!!


Taro: Zero!! Your mom is turn to evil....I don't know how but I'm sure she want you to become evil too..

Zero: B...But why!?!

Jack: We didn't know yet....but...

Ace: We need to bring you from here

Zero: ....fine

Zero then follow Ace and Jack to the Inter Galactic Defense Force HQ ( idk other place that safe -w- 🍵). Lucia notice Ace and Jack bring Zero to other place. Lucia show a sign and someone is go toward them.

Seven: Wait!!!!

Ace: Wha- GAHHH!!!

Jack: Ace!!!

Ginga: Wait isn't that the same person we saw!?!?

Zero: What you want!!!

???: Like I said I just follow her OrDeR *in mocking voice*

Zero: Are you the one that make my mother like this!?!?!

???: Hahhahahaha!!!! Well yes~

Ace: Zero don't try to fight him!!!

Zero: .....

Jack: ZERO!!!

Zero: Hai!!

???: Don't think I-

Ginga: TAKE THIS!!!!

???: Tch!!

X: Wait you!!

???: Long time no see X~

Mebius: You know who is he X!?

X: Yes he is.....Alien Karia

Karia: Hahahah!!! It's nice you still remember me~

Lucia: KARIA!!! I want you turn Zero to darkness NOW!!!

Karia: Can't you see he already far away

Lucia: Tch!!!

Karia: Well well~ I think we need to retreat now~

Karia then open and portal. He grab Lucia's hand roughly and step into that portal.

Seven: LUCIA!!!

Karia: Bye bye~

Taro: DAMNIT!!! They already gone!!!

Seven: Lucia...

Zoffy: Seven...

Seven feel depressed after seeing his wife become darkness and hurt all of her family. He promise that he will return Lucia back to normal.

Okay readers that is the end of this chapter!! See you in another chapter!!

See ya readers!!!

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