Chapter 23: Fallen Angel

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The war between the Lapis Union and the Desert Kingdom remained steadfast. While most of the Desert Kingdom's people have been subdued, the new thread posed by the sand hydra, Queen Nile, had given the Union a great deal of trouble. Lillian continued to shoot her moonbeams into the beast and yelled, "This isn't working! Why isn't anything working!?"

Cedric slashed at the hydra's feet and replied, "It's like the scales are impenetrable from magic, not to mention, really strong. Fatespeaker!"

Cedric's sword had then transfigured into a greatsword, as he swung it at the dragon's legs. It surprisingly cut through, which caused enough pain for Queen Nile to notice, as one of her heads peered downward.

"Cedric," The hydra hissed, "When will you learn?"

The head lunged downward, and Lillian shot a condensed moonbeam through the side of its face. The hydra roared with agony, and began to spurt infernos out of it's mouth.

Yin and Yang had eventually met each other on the battlefield, fighting a few of the Desert Kingdom rogues.

"Where's Lemur," Yang asked, "I saw him get lifted up and thrown!"

Yang looked at his brother dismayingly, and Yin gasped.

"Don't tell me he's-"

"It's unfortunately true," Yang said, "He's gone."

Yin growled in anger, and couldn't help but to remember bad times in his eternal life. He remembered the wolf pack he tailed one night, who were later slaughtered by a being he brought into this world. Yin transformed into his timberwolf form and chomped down onto the rogues, crippling them.

"Yang. Let's do it," Yin said, "We have to do it."

Yang looked at Yin and smirked.

"I was hoping you'd say that."

Yin and Yang made contact with each other and fused into one entity. They wielded a giant blade of ebony and ivory, and swung it at the shoulder of the hydra. Queen Nile had quickly noticed Yin-Yang, and whipped their legs with her tail. The heads of the hydra coiled back for a strike when suddenly, the clouds above ripped open.

A single beam of light erupted from the clouds above and landed onto the battlefield below, in the homeland.

"What's going on!?" Juniper exclaimed, "Are we being invaded?!"

"No Princess Juniper," Snowblossom replied, "Why would the Aether invade us?"

Suddenly, in the beam of light, a body floated up from the ground. Lillian and Queen Nile watched as the body rose up from the ground.

"Is that," Lillian began in disbelief.

"No, no, NO!" The hydra exclaimed as it began to reach across the battlefield.

Yin-Yang had then bashed their arm against the necks of the hydra, which threw it's course off. The body raised it's arms and the black veins on it receded back. Red and blue glyphs formed along it's entirety and black angel wings erupted from his shoulderblades. His previously brown hair had turned white on one side, and the blond streak faded away. Finally he opened his eyes.

"Lemur!?" Galaxy exclaimed.

It indeed was Lemur. His figure smiled faintly and tilted it's head to the side as he outstretched his arm. Suddenly, a fiery greatsword conjured in front of it, and he grasped it tightly, then pointed it at the hydra.

"You know," Lemur calmly said, "It's about time I used this thing... about time I stopped holding back out of fear."

The fiery sword he held suddenly changed appearance, as it grew a bit in length, and half went icy looking.

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