Introduction/Request Page

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Hi again! This is the first thing I've written since like... 2020. It's good to have actual writing motivation again.

Anyways, my friend posted a story on their account that I had them write and now I wanna make a book of stories in that same style.

(If you wanna check out their story and/or content, they're applesqace, they post a bit more than I do and they have fun content)

So here's how this works. If you're a theater kid, you'll probably get what I mean when I say that this is in an improv style. You can request pretty much anything you want, all I ask is that you give me a random ship, scenario, and (optional but we'll appreciated) an object to incorporate. All of them should be unrelated.

For fandoms, I will take Sanders Sides, My Hero Academia, Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun, some fnaf (but I'm really picky), DDLC, and Riordanverse (I am behind on Trials of Apollo, though, last I read was The Burning Maze so no spoilers please!!)

I won't do any illegal ships or smut.

That's all, please leave your requests here:

Have a good/night/day!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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