Chapter 5

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"I give the orders here, not you!" Pien yelled down at her. How dare she try to order him around! The nerve of this woman.

"I don't give a shit! Get Hidan down here or I'm bringing this whole place down." She retorted. Leader or not, she wasn't afraid of him. Her little warm up with the Uchiha had her power flowing again and she wasn't letting this chance go to waste. "You saw how easily I dropped the Uchiha, don't test me. I will burn it to the ground." Her words must have struck a chord for he went silent. She was ready to make true on her threat if they didn't send him soon. Lillith shifted impatiently from foot to foot waiting for his reply.

Pien wondered if she'd really do it. Did she have to power, the strength, to do it? She took down Itachi like he were a mere child, even laughed in his face as she seemed immune to the feared sharing-an. His curiosity came back with a vengeance about this mystery woman. Who was she really? And where did she come from? He couldn't sense her chakra levels and it unnerved him. Even a standard civilian had a faint level of chakra running through them, enough to keep them alive, but she had none. After much thought, he decided to play it safe and give into her demands just this once.

He nodded to Hidan, giving his permission, and sighed inaudibly. "Don't kill her, Hidan. We need her."

"No promises." Hidan growled out before jumping down onto the arena floor. He grabbed his scythe from his back and held it out in a defensive stance, being a little cautious after their endeavor in the kitchen hours before. He looked her over, taking a more critical approach now that he's experienced and watched the power behind her attacks. "You're going down, bitch!"

"Says the vulgar albino," she rolled her eyes at him. "Let's just begin already." Her stance shifted as well, ready for anything, as she noticed him taking her more seriously this time around.

"Begin!" Pein's voice echoed, starting their match. Hidan faked a charge, attempting to throw her off, then darted left throwing his three bladed scythe straight for her. Lillith anticipated his change in direction and bent backwards following through into a back flip to avoid the deadly blades that passed just inches above her skin. She had to drop to the ground in a split to avoid it again as he pulled it back by the chain. His smirk made her huff in frustration and jump to her feet. She waved her hand through the air sending one of her invisible hands towards him.

Hidan yelped in surprise as it hit him square in the chest and his feet left the ground. He quickly dug his blades into the hard dirt to stop himself in mid air, only flying back a few dozen yards. He doubled over trying to regain his breath, but his brief reprieve was ended. His eyes widen and he scythe lay forgotten as he blocked a barrage of punches and kicks from the smaller woman. Much to his dismay, he was barely able to keep up and narrowly dodged what few attacks got through. She had to have some sort of weak spot he could take advantage of. A soft spot, an opening, something she tries to hide, a-wait! Her mask!

Lillith continued in her assault, unknown to his change in tactics. Her attempt at overwhelming him wasn't going as she planned, but she could see his struggle in keeping up with her speed. Although, for a bulky, man he does move pretty fast, I'll give him that. She thought. Lilltih had expected him to run to regroup or at least get hit a few times by now. Her focus on her strikes kept her from seeing his stance shift and couldn't prepare herself for what came next. Hidan suddenly tackled her, knocking them both to the ground, and straddled her stomach. His large weight and quick reflexes to grabbed her wrists, effectively pinned her down and she wanted to claw that annoying smirk off his face.

"Let's see what you're hiding under there, shall we?" He reached down for her mask and she began to thrash from side-to-side, attempting to throw him off her.

"No! Don't! You don't know what you're doing!" Her eyes were wide open as she begged him to stop.

"Shut up! I'll do whatever I..," his voice trailed off as her mask was pulled away. The entire arena went dead silent as her face was revealed to them all. Even their breaths seemed to stop in those few moments. Lillith froze as they all began to stare at her, her hair pooling around her like a liquid silver. Her eyes seemed to stand out more now that her high cheek bones were shown, the golden pits surrounded by thick lashes. Her eyebrows arched perfectly, even when bunched together in anger. Skin flawless and free of any blemishes or scars, coupled with a straight nose and luscious, ruby red lips that were plump and full. All of this, composed on a heart shaped was, was pulled into a look of pure hatred. In his state of shock, she used the opportunity to push him off and stand up.

"You really shouldn't have done that." Her voice came out in a low, sultry whisper that everyone strained to hear. The air began to thicken with a sense of dread and danger as she rolled her shoulders back, as if being freed from a great weight. Every fiber of his being scream for him to run, to run as fast and as far as he could, but he was frozen to his spot on the ground. "Did you ever stop to wonder why I wore that mask? That I wore it for a reason?" She hissed.

"It's.. It's just a mask!" His slight stutter made her lips pull up to a smirk and he cringed. Now was definitely not the time to show weakness.

"Just a mask, you say? Hidan, you couldn't be more wrong." Her staff floated into her hand as she slowly stalked towards him. Wind began to pick up around her, her hair floating as if she were walking through water. "Give it back to me before things get messy. I might even let you off easy."

"No. I'll never give it back." Hidan stood his ground. He clutched her mask tighter in his hand and she made a 'tsk'ing sound with her tongue.

"Suit yourself. I warned you." The staff glowed before flying from her hand and hovering over Hidan. His body was pushed flat against the dirt as a large force pushed down on him, keeping him immobile. She circled him like a predator toying with its prey as he struggled in vain. The smell of growing fear drafting from him almost made her laugh. Lillith's eyes grew brighter and her teeth, sharper with each step she took. She flashed her claws in a warning before speaking again. "This can go one of two ways: I can make your death quick and painless or it can be long and torturous. I personally prefer the second option, but I'll honor you with a choice for being able to get to my mask. Most die long before they can get close to it."
"Just get it over with, you bitch! Stop teasing me and just do it!" He yelled and soon realized it was a mistake.

Her smirked dropped in an instant and she took in a deep breath through her nose. Lillith closed her eyes and let out an ear splitting roar. The room shook from the sheer volume, and Hidan's screams were muffled along with his comrades high above. Their protective seal shattered as they quickly covered their ears, looking for an escape from the deafening noise. One by one, they each dropped to the floor unconscious and bleeding from the ears, unable to withstand it. Hidan was the last to go, his fast healing only prolonged the pain. He shakily looked at her through blood shot eyes and gasped for breath as blood leaked from his ears and mouth.

"I warned you, Hidan. Next time, I advise you listen." She took her mask from his limp hands and grabbed her staff out from above him. The last ting he saw was her turn on her heel and walk away before is world went black.


And no, he is not dead.


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