1: flying windows

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It was a normal sunny morning.

The first sun rays of a spring morning entered the windows of the Castle of Pocketville. One of them was closed with wooden doors. The right one had a minuscole hole in the centre, dug by an annoying woodpecker who had an old bitterness with the owner of the room. A single ray passed through the minuscule home and ended into the room.

It happened every morning: with extreme precision, it ended on the face of a Tabby cat lied on a canopy bed. As always, it was enough to wake her up.

Balloon opened her eyes and almost got blind because of the sudden but strong light.

She stood up and yelled against the woodpecker.
She couldn't sleep well because of it.
She tried several times to fix the window, but a new home appeared in the same place in a few hours.

Balloon opened the window and looked at the landscape outside, with the grumpy expression of a sleepy cat, then went back inside.
She combed her fur by licking it and wore the pink collar with fuchsia hearts, which was the Royal Guards uniforms.

She opened the door of her bedroom, in the Royal Guards Suite.
She approached the door on the opposite wall and violently knocked on it.

The whining of a dog came from inside before the door opened and a huge black and beige snout appeared.

- I told you to fix my window!
- Didn't I? - asked the mastiff, yawning.
- NO! You promised It!
-When did I?
-When I took the blame for making a base of a flower falling from the second level of the East Tower.
-What was the problem, back then?
-It fell on William's head from the third level.
-Oh. - Danny suddenly remembered the event.

- Help me to fix the door now!
- Alright.... - the dog followed Balloon to her bedroom.

Danny used a piece of cork to close the small hole and then closed the window again.
-The bird will come back! - said Balloon, exasperated.
-This is what I hope. What about ending the problem at its origin?
-When the bird arrives we'll open the window and crush him against the wall.
-W-what?! You will hurt him!
-Only a bit. That little idiot is too smart to get hurt seriously, our goal is only giving him a lesson.
Balloon stared at him with piercing eyes, unsure. Then, she moved on one side and nodded.
- Alright. Just be careful, okay?
- Of course.

The Mastiff sat on the precious floor of dark parquet, next to her, and they both stared at the closed hole into the window.
They waited like that in silence for a long time, gazing at the same point to not waste a single second before acting.

- Thank you for taking the blame for that vase. It was close for me to be in trouble with William.
- He was going to get angry, you risked hurting the Princess as well. They were together when it happened and it missed her head for a few centimeters and hit William, instead.
- It's not my fault if he's taller! I mean, it happens like for thunderbolts, that hit the tallest things, right?
- No, Danny, it doesn't work like that. Physics doesn't work like that.
- Well, then let's just say she was lucky.
- Maybe it was better for you to get in trouble with Will instead of Ava.
- I'm not sure, she never gets too angry with me, unlike William. - Danny shrugged - Do you think that making a base falling on Ava's head was enough to get fired off?
- I don't think so, if it was an incident.
Danny didn't immediately answer. Balloon turned to him, concerned.
- It was, wasn't it?!

- Here he comes! - whispered the dog, standing up and pointing at the window door.
A noise of wings flapping could be heard from the windowsill outside. The cork began moving backward, just like someone was taking it off.

- I got you, little jerk! - barked Danny, taking the momentum. He lashed out against the window door and hit it with all his Mastiff's strength. It was literally thrown outside and crashed against the wall leaving a really bad damage on the stucco. But it didn't directly touch it, because something between them. Something that made some dark feathers fly away...

The hinges didn't resist the impact and the door broke away from its place, falling down from over ten meters of height to the Clock Balcony. There, it smashed down on the pavement with a loud noise and scattered into pieces of wood.

- Danny, you killed him! - screamed Balloon, running to the window to look down. She looked around, looking for the poor bird that crashed on the wall. Nothing was glued on it, unlike what she feared.

Indeed, the small animal was standing on the sill of another window, staring at them with a shocked expression. His and Balloon's eyes met for a few seconds, during the ones she realized he couldn't be the victim.
- He was chasing me while I tried to tease you! I couldn't imagine you were... trying to murder me! - the bird yelled, using his wing to point down.
The cat followed his sign and looked down, on the decorative ledge a few meters lower than their level... and saw a huge bald eagle lying down on it.
Although his species was a clear sign of who he was, a yellow badge on his neck was just a clear indication about who he was.
- Oh my... Aviator, are you alright?! - asked the tabby cat, in panic.

- What happened?! - Danny ran next to her and looked down, where the eagle was coughing and trying to stand up.
- You hit a Winged Guard, you brainless hamster! - whispered Balloon.
- ...oh. - the Mastiff hold his breath for one second, shocked.

Then, both of them looked back to the Balcony.
Someone was standing a few centimeters from the broken window door, immoble.
They couldn't see very well due to the strong light, but the white fur with cinnamon beauty marks and the golden collar with a precious light blue gemstone inside left no doubt.
Princess Ava was panting in fear, staring at the mysterious falling object that almost hit her a few seconds before while she was calmly having a walk on the Balcony before breakfast.

- Damn. - mumbled Danny, immediately walking back to not be seen. Then, he ran out of the room. - Let's leave before they recognize us! Hurry!
- W-what?! Danny! - tried to call him the other Guard.
She first gazed at the princess, then back to the bald eagle who was slowly standing up and shaking his wings, stunned. Then, she glared at the smaller bird on the near sill and made him sign to shut up, she closed the window and ran away as well.

She found Danny waiting for her in the corridor.
- Are you still sure it's better getting in trouble with the Princess instead of William?! - asked.
- Not anymore. Hurry, let's go to the Dining Room, before they see us.

They fastly walked across the Residence Tower to reach the Dining Room and use the breakfast they were supposed to have as an alibi.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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AIN'T MY FAULT IF THE CASTLE IS FALLING DOWN! [Puppy in my Pocket]Where stories live. Discover now