chapter 5

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As Mia had just left Anastasia just let her out and shut the door and  then Ray came out of the kitchen and was asking if she would help him with something before heading to bed since she had school tomorrow. Ray had asked Anastasia to unpack some of the kitchen box's then Ray had told Anastasia to head to bed for school. As she head into her room her phone just rang and it was Kate who was telling her she will be picking  her up for school in the morning. Then Anastasia hung up and got into bed and went to sleep the next morning Ray knocked on the door and  had told Anastasia she has to get up for school and he will  have breakfast ready when she comes down stairs. Anastasia got up head to shower got dress and phone got a text and see noticed it was from Christian saying he meet her in front of the school when she arrives. She walked down stairs and walked into the kitchen and Ray handed her breakfast and Anastasia had ate and heard a car honking out side Ray told her grab her backpack and open the door and noticed it was Kate in the car and Anastasia kiss Ray on the cheek and head to the car and Kate had began talking and was talking about meeting some cute guys later. As they arrive at school Kate noticed that Christian was staring at her car. And asked Anastasia if she knew why he was looking at her car.

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