Chapter Two

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John decided to save the flashlights battery, considering he's not sure how much there is. He notices the two paths and groans internally. God he hates scavengers hunts. Before he starts walking he looks around again to find nothing. "Pete!" He shouts and his voice echoes around the area. He realizes how stupid that was shortly after he did because if somebody took his friend they now have another person to track down and kill too. But he is determined to find Pete. He goes right and keeps looking behind him and around him. The leaves on the ground crunch under his shoes as he walks making his heart beat a little faster with each leaf. The feeling of eyes following him never leaves as he makes his way down the path. Keeping to the path isn't something he feels is actually smart, but he doesn't trust the trees either. "Where the hell is Pete?" He mutters to himself, wondering if his friend is even alive. He comes across a silo and the path splits again. He curses whoever created these paths and wonders if there's a note on the silo at all. He walks over to it, walking around it to the back. He finds a note and smirks until he reads what it says.
'Help me' is written in scribbled handwriting. He takes the note and shoves it into his pocket, cringing at the loud rustling it makes. He swears he hears a twig snap making his heart jump to his throat. He swallows and presses his hands against the silo as he quietly tries to walk back to the front so he can bolt down a path. In the tree line passes a shadow, making him run even faster down a random path. He wonders if he's dreaming at this point. He makes it into a clearing, a building on his left and multiple rusted tanks to his right. He stops to catch his breath and turns, seeing a man standing further down the path he just came from. The man is in a suit with his entire face covered by a white mask. John stumbles back and feels as if he couldn't run if he tried. The strange man is gone when he blinks. He turns around wildly, his eyes looking everywhere for him. He was breathing quickly with his heart pounding. He numbly walked to the rusted tanks and leaned against one, feeling his stomach twisting. He bends with his hands on his knees and throws up whatever was in his stomach. After calming himself down he stands back upright and looks around. No note anywhere. He can still see the image of the strange man in his head and really wonders if this is some sick hallucination. He racks his brain for things to do at this point and remembers his phone. He digs it from his pocket and seeing he has a small bar of service. Quickly, he calls Pete. He holds the phone away from his ear so he can listen for his friends phone. The sound of his friend's ring tone goes off and he follows the noise, praying to god there isn't a dead body. He gets to the source, finding his friend's phone just on the ground next to Pete's duffle bag. Clothes are scattered around with two hunting rifles. John picks them up and checks them. No ammo. He throws them down and stands up, looking around again. Is there more than one person in these woods? Did they take Pete and leave? Is Pete playing this game too? John feels his knees go weak but makes his way out of the woods to a path again. He can hear footsteps behind him now as he walks and he decided on not turning around. He quickens his pace and is basically running by the time the path splits again.

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