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It was a hot day on a Wednesday, Booger was sitting outside the hotel waiting for the others

"Fuck this, they're taking too long" Booger says, he looks at his watch and starts walking

He spots a store not too far from the Hotel and starts walking, he figured he could get a Faygo because it was so hot out, hell maybe even 2 if he had enough money on him

He got into the convenience store and grabbed 2 Pineapple Faygos, he checked out and left, he started drinking one Faygo and put the other in his backpack and started walking back to the Hotel

When he got there the car was gone, great. The 5 minutes he took to go get a few drinks and they left without him

He starts walking around trying to find the car, possibly a phone booth while he's at it to try and contact them

Hes walking for 40 or so minutes, its absolutely scorching outside. He takes his other Faygo and starts drinking it, he put the empty bottle from the other one back in his bag, he wanted to throw it on the ground but there was a police officer right there and he definitely didn't have enough money to pay for a littering fine

As he's drinking his other Faygo he feels the need to piss, but passes it off because it was only a little bit and there's no point in paying *more* money to use a bathroom in *another* store, so he just waited

He spots the car while sitting on a bench and starts to run over to it, but it turns out it was just a different person's car

"Fuck" he says out loud, he decided to sit down for another hour because his legs were getting tired from all of this running and walking

After an hour and thirty minutes, he noticed his urge to piss got way stronger, he crosses his legs to make sure he didn't leak or anything, he was wearing light jeans and it would be easy to see

He spots a phone booth and decides to call the place he knew the rest of the gang were going to, they pick up the phone fortunately and recognize the voice as Booger's

"Yeah I'm at Wesley street, its right next to the Lavel Mall, you can't miss it" Booger says, he starts taking deep breaths because he needed to piss a lot

"You ok Booger?" Lewis asks "you sound a bit worried"

"Oh nothing" Booger says "my foot just hurts, I hit it on something on the way here"

Lewis understands, and then hangs up, it shouldn't be too long until they got here

He's fiddling with his cap and the bottle, he was really desperate and it was a long ass walk back to the Hotel, he figured he could just tell them after he got in the car and they could stop somewhere

But his bladder told him otherwise

He was so desperate he was crossing his legs and clenching his thighs really hard, his shoulders were crossed too

Just then a Jock from at Alpha-Beta's walks by, apparently he was at the other convenience store by the nicer Hotel they got kicked out at for being "Nerds"

The Jock scoffs "what are you a fag or something?"

Booger is confused, but then he looks down at his legs and remembers they're crossed

"Oh go to hell, fuckwad, suck my dick" Booger retorts

"Yeah I'm sure you'd want me to", The Jock snarks and walks away

Booger feels the feeling in his bladder


He had to piss even more then before. He Frantically gets up and looks for a place he could go, slightly bouncing up and down while doing so, hoping nobody could see him because that could ruin his reputation, he saw there was an Alleyway behind the bench he was sitting on so he runs in there

He starts undoing his belt while bouncing his legs up and down and leaning against the wall

He finally gets his belt undone and then unzips his zipper so fast it almost breaks

As soon as his pants are out of the way a full stream is going, he puts his hand up on the wall for support, he was so relieved that he could possibly fall over if he wasn't careful, he tilts his head back slightly and closes his eyes, his stream was going for around 40 seconds now, and it still felt like plenty more was on its way out

Outside of the alleyway he hears a car pull up, it was his friends,

"Where did Booger go?" Lewis says "he said he'd be right here"

"Lets split up and look for him" suggests Poindexter

"Good idea!" Says Lewis

"OK! I'll look in this Alleyway!" Says Lamar, he walks over to the Alleyway behind the bench

He turns the corner of the Alleyway and sees Booger halfway behind some dumpsters, the ground under him is soaked, he'd been going for a minute and a half now, a few seconds after Lamar walks into the alleyway, Booger groans in relief

"Ohhh fuck...." Booger whispers to himself in relief

"Ummmm, Booger?" Lamar says out of nowhere, he'd been spectating him for atleast 30 seconds

"SHIT" Booger yells, he jumps a bit. He desperately tries and stops the stream but its not happening, his bladder is too worked up to do that

Booger sighs "just let me finish, ok?"

Lamar nods "ok I wi-"

"AND DONT YOU FUCKING DARE TELL THE OTHERS ABOUT THIS, I WILL POUND YOU INTO THE PAVEMENT" He yells, but not extremely loud to the point where Lewis, Poindexter and Wormser can hear

Lamar nods again, and turns around to make sure they wouldn't walk into the Alleyway where Booger was taking a leak

Booger shakes himself off and puts himself back into his pants

He walks back out of the Alleyway with his hands in his pockets and sighs again

"Alright, let's go" He says

"We were gonna go to a convenience store and grab some drinks next" Wormser pitches the idea to Booger

"Oh fuck off" Booger tells him, he rolls his eyes and gets into the passenger seat

I'm very disappointed in myself (ROTN Omorashi)Where stories live. Discover now