Booger In Paradise

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(Based off Revenge Of The Nerds 2, specifically the part where they get stranded and look for the weapons)

They had been stranded for 18 hours now, the sun was about to set and Booger desperately needed something  to drink, he had accidentally fallen asleep when the rest of the gang had drank clean drinking water that they pasteurized by boiling it

"I'm gonna go out and get some of my own water, im so thirsty I'm gonna fucking die" Booger says

Lewis acknowledged "OK, just be back soon, we don't want you getting lost"

"I'll be back by then I swear" Booger promises, he started running to a small little pond that was in the middle of the island, since that's where Poindexter got the clean drinking water

He took a coconut shell with him, he didn't care if the water was clean or not he needed something to drink

He scooped up multiple cups of the drinking water, 11 to be exact

He chugged them all because he was so thirsty, kind of like a little kid running in after a long day of planning to take a long drink from a cup of water

After he decides he's had enough, he starts heading back to the place where the rest of them were

Poindexter notices Booger coming back "oh hey Booger's back guys!"

Lewis asks him "Booger, you pasteurized the water right?"

"Yeah I did" Booger lies, he didn't wanna deal with a bunch of bitching on how "its dangerous"

As Booger was falling asleep he felt that he had to pee, but decided he could hold it until morning because he's tired and he had to deal with some fuckers throwing them off a boat onto a freaking deserted island

Morning comes and Booger gets a rude awakening by Lewis, I mean he did it to everybody but still

"Alright guys we have to go now! We have to find out how to get off of this island so those Alpha-Betas don't vote us off!" Lewis says, trying to encourage the rest of the gang

Booger remembers he has to pee, so he goes up to a tree and unzips when he suddenly heard someone saying that its time to go, he rolls his eyes and zips his pants back up

"Fucking A Man" he whispers to himself while walking over to the voices direction

Turns out they were carrying the Metal Detector they made up to the hills to look for the weapons that Sunny had told them about

Booger sneaks off to go again, when he hears Ogre and Poindexter fall into a hole, he quickly runs back and looks down into the hole like the others did

An hour or so later they push the tank into the water and they're on their way, to stop themselves getting basically banned from existing

Booger realizes he forgot to piss before they got into the water, he audibly says "oh no", others look at him, but then go back to doing their own thing shortly after

Booger awkwardly gets up from where he was sitting to go tell Lewis and Poindexter who are piloting the tank about his dilemma

Lewis feels a bit of empathy for Booger "I'm sorry this is happening Booger, but we can't pull over we're in the middle of the ocean, plus if we stop for too long we won't be able to defend ourselves when we get there"

"Oh fuck" Booger sorta says to himself "well do you guys atleast have a bottle or something? Its kind of an emergency a-"

"Just hold it" Wormser interrupts, he truly doesn't know that its an emergency for Booger considering how much water he drank "you should've gone before we left, its your own fault" he says

Booger flips the 15 Year Old off, and goes back to his seat, his legs crosses and his thighs tightly clenched, he had to go so bad but none of them really knew

He should've brought up the fact that he drank 11 Coconut Shells full of water, but they probably would've said no either way

Booger sits there, biting his lip from the tension of how bad he needs to go, his bladder was practically bulging out of his pants because of how full it was, definitely wasn't good that he had a military grade belt on

He suddenly had an idea, but he didn't wanna tell anyone, he sneaks off to a secluded part of the tank with a door, possibly originally made for performing amputations behind a private room that way its not out in the open

He thinks if he should really pull something this risky and he decides its best, he doesn't want his bladder to explode and possibly have to get a surgery he definitely can't afford

He quickly has to change into the shorts he got stranded in before he went in the camo ones

He puts on his original shorts, after taking off his underwear, camo pants, socks and shoes

He was going to purposely wet himself in the original shorts that way he doesn't have to reluctantly come out in his original shorts to have to deal with Wormser's mouth, but nothing was coming out, he felt so embarrassed about having to do this even tho nobody can see him

He starts to walk over to the camo pants on the other side of the room when suddenly the boat hits a big wave and it shocks his bladder into peeing

He quickly runs back towards the corner to continue pissing himself, if he was standing in the middle of the room and someone caught him like this it would've been really hard to explain

He leans up against the wall and continued wetting, he moaned with relief and tilted his head back against the wall, mid-piss he realizes he really could've just peed in the corner and told everyone he did so that way they wouldn't have walked in there to find a huge puddle of piss on the floor, but he's never rational at any time, why does he think he'd be rational when all his mind is focused on is peeing

4 minutes later he's done, his pants are completely soaked, he puts his wet shorts into a burlap sack that was also sitting in the corner of the room and puts his underwear, pants socks and shoes back on

He walks back into the area of the tank where everyone was sitting, hoping they wouldn't suspect anything

Hes so shaky from relief and his face was completely flushed, he was blushing so hard

He sits down and covers his face with the military helmets, he was so overwhelmed from the relief he falls asleep and doesn't wake up until an hour later

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2021 ⏰

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