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"You met your sister after not seeing her for years?!" Momo exclaimed as she lightly slapped her hands on the lunch table. Chanhee nodded as he opened his strawberry milk container. "Where is she?" Rosé asked as she looked around the cafeteria. "Probably with her friends. You know I never knew she was in our school?" Chanhee said and the two gave him a shock expression.

"Bubbles!"Chanhee heard as he felt someone hug him, he playfully sighed knowing it was Chinsun hugging him from behind. "Hey Sunnie~" he said as he turned around and smiled at his sister. "I went to Aunt Ara's café and she told me to give you these cinnamon rolls since Changmin is busy. I'm also loving your outfit today." Chinsun said as she sat next to Chanhee.

Chanhee was wearing a white cropped shirt with angel wings on it over a fishnet shirt and black jeans with black boots. He was also wearing a butterfly necklace and another gold necklace with a pendant on it. "Thank you Chinsun~" Chanhee said as he gave his sister a hug.

"Did Haemin sent you? Are you one of her minions?" Momo asked as she pointed her fork at Chinsun with squinted eyes. "Hell no! I hate that bitch, spreading rumors about my bubbles."Chinsun pouted as she started to hug Chanhee to death. "Your bubbles? I'm confused." Momo said as she leaned back a little.

"Momo, this is my sister Chinsun, Chinsun this is Momo, my friend." Chanhee introduced them with a smile. "Best friend." Momo corrected which got her a look from Rosé, Chinsun, and Chanhee himself. "Sorry, Jacob is my guy best friend and Rosé is my girl best friend." Chanhee said with a fake sad smile as he was messing with the other.

"I don't know who this Rosé is, but I'm your girl best friend and will always be your girl best friend."Chinsun stated as she pointed to herself and looked at Chanhee with a 'do you understand' expression. Rosé slowly started to raise her hand slightly with an uneasy smile. "I-I'm Rosé." She quietly said which earned her an apologetic response from Chinsun.

"Hey Momo, Chinsun, and Rosé."Changmin greeted as he went to go sit next to Chanhee with an odd smile. "Hey Changmin." the three girls greeted him with a wave and a smile. Chanhee look at Changmin with an upset expression as he crossed his arms and pouted.

Changmin smile and wrap his arm around Chanhee's shoulder. Chanhee look to his left to see a squirrel plushie. "Aw~ he's so cute!"Chanhee squealed as he took the plushie into his hands. "But why are you giving me this?" Chanhee asked as he set the plushie in his lap and looked at the other with a confused expression.

"I was thinking since we both have keychains that reminds us of each other, we should also do that with plushies." Changmin explained which made the three girls at the table cooed at the idea. Chanhee smiled as he looked down at the squirrel in his lap. "I'll give you the penguin plushie when we go back to our dorm." Chanhee said as he looked up at Changmin again.

"Sounds great!" Changmin said taking his arm from Chanhee's shoulder. Chanhee smiled and continued to eat the remainder of his food. "I now see why people think you guys are dating." Chinsun said with a understanding nod as Momo nodded in agreement to the Chinsun's statement.

"We're not dating!" the two exclaimed with a sigh as Chanhee shook his head. "Anyways, I gotta go. Juyeon and Hyunjun are waiting." Changmin stated as he stood up from his seat and grabbed his bag. "Alright."Chanhee said with a smile as he watched Changmin put his bag on his shoulders.

"Bye girls." Changmin sent his farewells with a wave as he started to walk away. "Wait!" Chanhee exclaimed as he grabbed a cinnamon roll and walked up to Changmin with a smile. He handed it over and Changmin started to smile slightly. "Eat it or I'll make you eat bubbles." Chanhee said with a stern tone which made Changmin started to laugh.

"I'm sure you know what those taste like."Changmin jokingly said to which Chanhee punched him lightly in the shoulder. "Fuck you." Chanhee replied with a huff as he crossed his arms. "Any time." Changmin said with a wink. It took Chanhee a few seconds to understand what he meant and when he did, he started to blush while hitting Changmin.

"You know I didn't mean it like that!" Chanhee whined out as he stomp his feet softly. Changmin laughed as he took the cinnamon roll from the other's hand and said, "I know, gotta go bye." Changmin waved and started to walk out the cafeteria.

Chanhee smiled as he said a quiet bye before running back to his table with a blush and started to get teased by the three girls who were watching the whole ordeal unfold.

"Ooo~ are your feelings coming back Mr. Choi?" Jacob teased as he pointed his finger at Chanhee who started to blush. "Maybe Mr. Bae." Chanhee answered with a cheeky smile as his blush started to grow more red. "Let me see what he got you?" Jacob asked excitedly as he clapped his hands a little bit.

"Okay, these keychains. They represent him, he has two that represent me. I also have this deer keychain cause he knows that I like deers. I also have a deer plushie, a penguin one, and a squirrel plushie." Chanhee stated as he held up the items for Jacob to see them. "Awe~ they are so cute!" Jacob squealed as he clashed his hands together in excitement.

"I know right! Anyways, this penguin plushie will be his since the penguin represents me and the Squirrel represents him." Chanhee explained with a bright smile on his face as he played with the plushies hands. "Awe~ that's so cute. I wish Kevin can get me a plushie. Kevin, can you give me a Moon plushie please?" Jacob look away from camera and asked with a smile.

"Why when you have me?" Kevin said with a for as he walked into the screen. "For when you're in class and I'm here alone." Jacob said with a pout knowing that is one of Kevin's weaknesses. "You could just wear one of my shirts or hoodies. Which one?" Kevin asked as he turned his phone for Jacob to see.

"That one please." Jacob said with a bright smiled as he pointed to something on Kevin's phone. "Alright." Kevin said kissing Jacob's head and waved to Chanhee, Chanhee waving back. "You're such a baby." Chanhee said once Kevin was out of view and shook his head. "Correction, I'm his baby." Jacob said as he started to laugh at Chanhee's facial expression.

"I'm home!~" Changmin announced as he walked through the doors with a bright smile. "Welcome home." Chanhee said as he turned to face Changmin with his own smile. "Thank you. Is that Jacob?" Changmin asked as he walked over and sat next to Chanhee.

"Hey Changmin." Jacob greeted with a smile and a wave. "Hey Jacob." Changmin greeted back with a smile and a wave. "Here." Chanhee said as he handed Changmin the Penguin plushie. "Thank you Bubbles."Changmin said with a laugh as he took the penguin plushie out of Chanhee's hands. "Whatever Cinnamon roll." Chanhee stated with a teasing tone.

"When did these nicknames happen?" Jacob asked as he pointed at the two with a 'did I miss something' expression. "Since his aunt told me the story behind it." Chanhee said as he pinched Changmin's left cheek. "Since his sister told me the story behind it." Changmin said as he freed his cheek from getting pinched and smiled Jacob nodded and said

"I now see why people think you're dating." the two sighed and shook their heads. "We're not dating!"

From 800+ words to 1300+ words

You could say that my writing has become better than in 2021.

But anyways, I'm on my way to school

So with that

I hope you enjoy this chapter

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly and drinking water and staying healthy.

Anyways, vote,comment, and follow if you want to. Good morning, night, or afternoon love you <3

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