Chapter 11 Why

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Kidd POV
"Awww were you expecting some one else I'm sorry to disappoint" Kim giggled with a sarcastic voice.
"Kim why are you doing this" I asked
"Why Ummm I don't know because I'm sick of Maka and I want soul" Kim said with anger in her voice (sorry I did this to Kim I know she doesn't like soul I just thought it would be more interesting).
"Kim this is not right and you know tha.."
What the fúck she back handed me
"SHUT UP I can do what ever I want I'm a witch" Kim said with a crazy look on her face.
"Kim if you let me go you will not get in trouble" I tried to persuade
"No I'm going to kill her either with you or with soul either way I win hahahahaha" Kim laughed
"You are insane" I said
"Yes I am and I am going to get soul hahaha" Kim said
"Do you really think soul is going to love you after you make him kill Maka" I said
"Yes he will get over her" Kim said smiling
"No he won't and the first person he will kill WILL BE YOU" I yelled.
Sofie POV
"Seriously you guys need to be careful go get us some food from the breakfast thing please" I asked
"Yeah we will I will go get u some and hey thanks for letting us come" ? Said
"Yeah no problem u guys are cool anyway" I said with a smile
"Hey where is Daniela" ? Asked
"Still in bed" I said
"Anyway see u in a minute" ? Said
"Kk" I said
~ I the dining room of the hotel~
"I wonder what Sofie wants to eat oh look some pancakes" I thought
"Soul look they have pancakes" Maka said
Crap what should I do now they are coming
"So u want some pancakes too miss" Maka asked me. I nodded yes and didn't look at her.
"I know a friend with that Jacket" Maka stated. I decided to shake my head yes.
"My friend also has blonde hair" Maka said eyeing me. I sighed a sigh of relief when the pancakes were done. I began to walk away when she walked up to me and told me that I dropped my wallet and some cash fell out. So she was opening my wallet to put it in she stop and saw an ID card.
"Liz what are you doing here" Maka asked questioned.
"Sis Sofie want...s"
"Patty you too" she asked
"Opps I guess the cat is out of the bag" Patty said.
Ok so it was Liz and patty. Yay I have 1.98K people have seen my story thank u thank u. I kinda hurried on this one so sorry but I still going through a lot with my friends so please keep reading my book and I'm sorry I sorry.
~whatuppepps~ out😕😔

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