Almost hit

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The days passed by the same. Dreary and full of anxiety for the ex-singer. Whitty didn't know what to do anymore. Every morning he got up, sat alone in his and Carol's bedroom, staring silently into space with a heavy feeling in his heart. He'd have to work up the strength to even get out of bed. He just wanted to sleep forever and not feel such pain anymore.

Whitty sneered to himself and felt like smacking himself. How could he even think like that when Carol was probably close to death back at the hospital. She was feeling more pain than him. The thought of Carol made him tighten his hold on the spoon he was gripping, his eyes staring down at the cold remains of his cereal.

He pushed the bowl aside and got up from the table, grabbing his hoodie and slipping it on. The room felt too stuffy. He had to go out..just for a little while.

The streets were wet and cold. Whitty roamed them at a slow pace, keeping his head down as to not draw so much attention to himself. He usually stuck to alleys but he didn't feel like hiding today. He had been doing that too much. He wanted to be free.

His stomach suddenly growled, reminding him that he hadn't eaten alot of his breakfast that morning. Spotting a donut shop across the road, he brightened up a little and began to walk across, not noticing the car rounding the corner.


Tires squealed loudly and Whitty shrieked and pivoted in place, putting his hands over his head protectively as the car stopped right in front of him. The driver stuck their head out of the window and berated him loudly, causing the bomb-head to lift his head and see that he wasn't harmed. He just hadn't looked both ways.

Whitty frantically turned away from the donut shop and ran into an alley nearby, the loud screech of the car's tires echoing in his head. It had sounded just like a dying heartbeat monitor. Tears welled in his eyes as he rounded a random corner and stopped to lean against a graffiti filled wall, breathing heavily. His body quivered as he sunk to the ground, covering his eyes as he fought to control his panicked breaths.

Why was he so stupid. Yeah, just walk across the road without looking for any cars, that is really fucking smart. His thoughts screamed at him and he gritted his teeth, removing his hands from his eyes and slamming them on either side of him into the dirt. Idiot. What an idiot he was.

As he began to calm down, Whitty sniffed and got up, grateful that he wasn't shaking as badly as before. He wiped his face and looked back at where he had run from. It didn't look so busy now. Maybe he could still get a donut if he wasn't inconspicuous. All that running had made him pretty hungry anyways.

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