14 Family First

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Xu drove Xingqiu back to Liyue city, he had been informed earlier to attend a family meeting today at his actual residence. His family would usually leave him to his own device, so long as he continued to perform as both an outstanding student and a filial son. Xingqiu was confident that he played both parts perfectly, so it was unusual for his parents to summon him like this.

Xingqiu stepped into the meeting room. His parents and his brother were already seated in their usual spots at the long mahogany table, adorned with golden candlesticks and a bouquet of glaze lilies that sat in a clay flowerpot. Two chandeliers glistened and lighted the room, the dangling crystals refracted its light in every direction.

Xingqiu greeted his family and took his seat. He was suffocated by the stark contrast to Chongyun's room, where he had just been about an hour ago.

"We hear you lost first place in class to a girl?" His brother enquired frankly.

"Sucrose is an intelligent girl. Maybe I underestimated her capabilities, but there's no shame in a deserving defeat." Xingqiu deflected his brother's attempt at putting him down.

"Since you speak so highly of her, maybe we'll have her take your place in the company after graduation." His brother said slyly.

"If it pleases you, then it is not my place to object." Xingqiu shot back, to his brother's discontent.

"Or maybe it's because you are distracted by this boy... Chongyun?" Xingqiu's eyes grew wide at his brother's rhetoric, he suddenly realised why the meeting has been called.

"You didn't think you could hide this from us? Did you?" His brother slid a few photographs across the table. They depicted Xingqiu and Chongyun on some of the many dates they had went together. One photograph showed them sharing a kiss. Xingqiu glanced over at Xu, who just keep his head down to avoid eye contact.

"Letting you transfer there was a mistake. If we had just-"

"Enough." Their father interrupted. He crossed his fingers together and placed his elbows on the armrests. "Xingqiu, it pains us to see that you've acted so recklessly. I expect you of all people should know the precarious situation we're in. If this were to fall into the hands of those who want to see us fail, who knows what they will spin from this."

Xingqiu knew his father was right. After all, his expulsion from his former school was a direct result of that. Due to some conflict of interests, Feiyun corporation was at odds with Snezhnaya, a foreign country well known for their unscrupulous methods in achieving their goals. But he never planned to fall in love with Chongyun, such things were beyond his own control. Xingqiu stared blankly at his hands.

"As such, to keep you out of trouble, we've decided to give you a more active role in the company. Perhaps with more work on your hands you would have waste less time on these fruitless endeavours of yours. You may proceed as usual, but I ask you forget about this... boy. If it need be, I will assure nothing comes out of it." His father rose from his seat to leave, his brother followed suit. "I am disappointed in you, Xingqiu." And the both of them left the room.

Xingqiu's mother turned to Xingqiu, who was now just sitting there with a pained expression. Xingqiu did not consider himself close to his father, but his father's words still cut into his heart the same. Throughout his life he had always tried to please his family, putting their expectations first because he thought that was his responsibility. In a rare moment of his life, Xingqiu did not know what his next steps were.

"My dear Xingqiu," His mother placed her hand on his shoulder. She could see the pain emanating from her beloved son. "Please don't blame your father. You know where his intentions come from."

"Was it foolish of me, mother? Had I wronged our family by falling for a boy?" Xingqiu looked at his mother. His mind was heavy with all the thoughts he hadn't process. Of all the family members Xingiqu had, his mother was the one he felt closest to.

"I cannot say what is wrong or right, Xingqiu. But I know that no great deed has ever come without sacrifice." His mother held his face in her arms, attempting to relieve his hurt. "Now, come. I have prepared some refreshments from your favourite patisserie."


Art by: rFeb (from the official Genshin Billboards)

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