New Friends

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 A few minutes later they pulled up to the church and parked. They got out and looked around, beside the church a small house stood. Roman looked at Dean, he wanted to say something about being right it was abandoned, but couldn't seeing the look of happiness on Dean's face.

 "Can I help you boys?" A kind, female voice spoke from behind them.

 "I'm hoping so!" Dean answered, as they turned to see a small, elderly woman at the doorway of the house.

 "We don't get many visitors out here, are you lost?" She asked smiling as she joined them at their car.

 "No ma'am, we actually want to talk to you about something." Roman answered.

 "Oh? I'm Edith White, you can call me Eddie though." She said.

 "It's nice to meet you ma'am, I'm Dean Ambrose and this is my older brother Roman Reigns." Dean said as they shook hands.

 "Are you boys hungry? I just made an apple pie!" Eddie said smiling.

 "We'd love some, thank you." Dean answered smiling.

 "Let's go inside, I'll introduce you to my husband." She said leading the way inside.

 Once in the house she took them to the kitchen where she motioned for them to sit. She called to her husband, as she began getting the plates, forks and mugs, of course both Dean and Roman helped her bring everything to the table. She thanked them smiling as she pinched both their cheeks just as her husband joined them.

 "For Heaven's sake Eddie, stop pinching their cheeks they're grown men dear!" He said smiling, she gently hit him with the hand towel she held.

 "I'll pinch their cheeks if I want, besides they're too cute not too!" She replied as Dean and Roman looked at each other smiling, before back to the couple. "They came to talk to us Will."

 "Us?" Will asked confused as they all sat down, Eddie began pouring coffee for everyone.

 "Yes sir, my name's Dean Ambrose, and this is my older brother Roman Reigns and we're trying to find the perfect place to have a wedding...mine actually!" Dean explained smiling.

 "Oh, that's wonderful sweetie, congratulations! I'm sure she's..."

 "He, I'm marrying a man." Dean said gently cutting her off.

 "I'm sorry dear, I'm sure he's as lovely as you two!" Eddie said smiling. "So, what's his name?"

 "Seth Rollins." Dean answered smiling.

 "Do you have a picture?" She asked.

 "I do." Dean said as he took out his phone and showed her.

 "He's very handsome, like you two!" She said pinching Dean's cheek again.

 "Eddie, would you quit your fussing and let the boy talk!" Will said smiling.

 "It's okay, really." Dean assured them.

 "So, you were looking for a place for your wedding and saw our little church? Am I close?" Will asked smiling.

 "Exactly! Look, I'll be completely honest, the wedding is a week away and we've been through so much to get to this point and I wanted to have the perfect wedding, and this place is...what I'm looking for!" Dean explained, Roman put his arm around Dean's shoulders for support.

 "I'll be completely honest with you now, a week isn't much time to set up a wedding." Will said sipping his coffee, Dean looked at Roman sadly.

 "I know, I'm sorry we bothered you. Thank you for..."

 "Hold on there Dean." Will said cutting Dean off. "Let an old man finish! A week isn't much time...but with our help we'll be able to do it!"

 "Are you serious?" Dean asked smiling.

 "Very." Eddie answered.

 "Now, I'm not good with this kind of thing, but Eddie here is! I'll do my part by officiating the ceremony, I'm a Priest, and Eddie will help you with the rest."

"This is incredible! Thank you both so much!" Dean said so grateful. "How much do we owe you?"

 "Your money is no good here, is it Will?" Eddie stated, Will shook his head no. "We don't need money dear, it's always nice to help young love grow!"

 "We have to repay you somehow?" Roman said, Dean agreeing. "We insist!" 

 "Well...we do have a few chores around the house and yard we can't do ourselves, but a couple of strong, young men like yourselves might be able to help?" Will said.

 "You got it!" Dean answered.

 "We can start today!" Roman added smiling.

 "Well, we'll discuss everything after we eat!" Eddie said smiling. "Now, tell us more about you three!"

**Wedding Day**:

 After a busy, yet wonderful week of helping the White's with their chores and getting the wedding set up, everything was finally ready! Dean and Roman told Seth all about the White's and all they were doing for them, and Seth was so grateful and happy. Dean and Roman became so close to both Eddie and Will, and they were excited to finally meet Seth, he was just as excited to meet them. When the guys would leave the White's at the end of the day, Eddie would send home goodies and note for Seth, and when they returned the next day they brought her a thank you note from Seth. The wedding was finally complete, with Will officiating, Eddie had decorated both the church and her backyard where the reception would be. She had made all the food and drinks, including the wedding cake, and she had her son and daughter in law come help. Her son would be in charge of all the music at both the wedding and reception, and her daughter in law who was a photographer was going to do all the pictures. Dean didn't know how to thank them for all they had done for them, Eddie and Will reassured Dean and Roman it was their pleasure and how they considered all three men family now! 

The morning of the wedding Dean woke up before Seth. He got up, showered and dressed before he called room service for Seth. He then wrote him a note, placing it on his pillow before he grabbed his bag and quietly left the room. He went to Roman's room and knocked on the door, seconds later Roman answered letting him in.

"Morning D, how'd you sleep?" He asked smiling as he got his bag ready, he was already showered and dressed.

"I slept great actually! What about you big man?" Dean answered smiling.

"I slept good! Can you believe it man, in a few hours you're going to be married?" Roman asked smiling.

"It seems surreal honestly! I never would have made it through the King b.s. if it wasn't for you and Seth!  You guys never gave up on me, I owe you guys my life!"

"Dean, it was you that pulled yourself out of the darkness man! Seth and I love you, and you were lost for a while, but we knew you'd find your way back!" Roman said hugging him.

"Come on, let's go we'll get coffee on the way to Will and Eddie's!" Dean said smiling.

"Hey did you get the wedding licence yesterday?" Roman asked.

"No, dammit I forgot! The most important thing and..."

"Relax man, I got it right here in my bag with the rings!" Roman said smiling cutting Dean off.

"Shit Ro, you're a life saver man! Thanks!"

"No problem man! I knew you were stressing, so when I picked up the rings I got it too!"

"Wow, this is it Rome, I'm getting married!" Dean said smiling.

"Yeah you are!" Roman said smiling, as he patted Dean's back before they left the room.


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