Chapter 6

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Olivias pov:

I woke up the next morning and felt something beside me. I looked over and it was Josh.

I looked around and realized I was in Joshs apartment.

Wait why am I here??

Events from last night came back to me.

We were at the pool, came back here, watched tangled, and then I fell asleep.

Oh I just realized I technically I slept with a boy -platonically of course- that wasn't Ethan.

I didn't want to wake josh so I quietly and slowly got up and not wanting to be rude, wrote a note for him to see

Good morning Josh! I didn't want to wake you so I just wrote a note. I'll be in my room and btw Tim emailed and said that the rest of the cast will be here in two days. I'll talk to you when your awake.


I went back to my room and was just walking around absently wondering what the rest of the cast was like. Were they going to be nice? A lot of what ifs were going through my head so I just started stress cleaning to try to keep sane even though it never fully works.

I just finished sweeping the kitchen when I heard a knock on the adjoining door.

Joshs pov:

I woke up to see that liv was gone and there was a note on the coffee table. I read it and smiled.

I don't really know anyone from the cast yet, except for someone named Larry Saperstein because we had to do a chemistry test cause he plays my best friend in the show.

I went and knocked on the adjoining door and it opened to see liv. I know I haven't known her for long but she looked stressed.

"Good morning livvy" I said

"Morning josh"I gave her a worried look and she just looked down

"Hey you ok you seem... off" Not knowing wheather I overstepped

"Yeah I'm fine its uh nothing" She said still not looking at me

"okay?" I said slightly confused

"its just the rest of the cast is going to be here in two days what if they don't like me? or what if" I intrupted her and said

"hey don't what if, I don't know who the cast is yet but I know that they'll like you" I said stepping a little closer to her

She finally looked me in the eye and I seen how stressed she actually is.

"You don't that for sure" She said biting down on her bottom lip.

"Yes actually I do because I know you" Smiling at her

"Ok thanks Josh and by the way your hair is super fluffy She said laughing a little and patting my curls

"No problem and don't touch herbie" I said pulling away a little and put her hand in mine

We decided in a little while that we were just going to settle in our apartments for the day.

*Magical time jump to 2 days later*

Olivias pov:

It's two days later and josh and I got to know each other better. Honestly he's a great friend!

The rest of the cast is landing in a little while and then I think Tim said we are going to do ice breaker games.

Josh had texted earlier that when they get here he'll come over and we can both go down to meet them.

*a few hours later*

The cast had landed and Josh just came so we were going to go to the elevator when a big family got on so we decided to go down the stairs.

"Hey liv beat you down there" Josh said and started running down the stairs

"Wait Josh thats not fair" I said racing after him

"Wait Josh thats not fair" He mimicked in a horrible voice

I kinda caught up to him but he still ended up winning

"haha beat you" He said smiling

"That was unfair" I said out of breath

"Yeah well you should know by know that I play to win" he had a smug look on his face so I vowed to get him back later

We seen a whole bunch of people come in the door and it was people our age so I figured that was the cast

"hey Josh do you think that group is the cast" I said to him

"I think so" He replied

We started walking forward when I heard someone shout "OLIVIA"

I heard it come from the group when I seen a familar face

"SOPHIA" I yelled

We raced towards each other and bear hugged

"I missed you so much" I told her when we pulled away

"Well looks like some people have met each other" A girl with dark brown hair laughed

We all got in the elevator which may have not been the best idea

"Someone remind me why we all got in the same elevator again" A boy with dark brown hair and glasses yelled

We got off the elevator and was just standing in the hallway when Tim came over and said

"Ok why don't everyone get settled in their apartments and tomorrow at 7 meet in the lobby"

We all agreed and we went to our seperate ways.

I asked Josh if he wanted to hang out since we were already settled

We went into my apartment and decided to watch a movie

We were debating on either Avengers: Infinity wars or Titanic

I vote Titanic, Josh votes Avengers.

"Wait why don't we just watch both" I suggested

"No their both like 3 hour movies" he said shaking his head


"Ok how about we watch one of the movies today and then the other one a different day" he suggested

"Ok we can watch Avengers today" I said getting comfortable

"Wow I thought for sure you were going to say titanic today" He said looking at me

"Well you though wrong bassett" I turned to look at him

"Sorry rodrigo its just you can be a little, uh politian like"

"Wait whats that supposed to mean" I said raising an eyebrow

"Well you know you fight for your case" He said shrugging his shouldar

"Sooo whats wrong with that" I said and turned toward the tv

"Nothing" he said


The movie was almost over and my eyelids were getting heavy

I was just about to fall asleep and I think I seen Josh put a timer on his phone

then everything turned black as I fell into a deep sleep.


A/N Hope you guys enjoyed!!

Have a good day/night

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