the crumbling twentys

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Dear Libra,
You share too much being able to confide within your 'friends' is one thing. Although opening the gates to your own life and choices is abruptly embracive and unnecessary. I mean truly you move blindly to everything you are surrounding yourself within, conforming to another traitor view, aren't you? Stop embracing the beauty people portray to you because the illusion will disarray faster than you can blink. Insecurities, truths, and betrayal always find a way to your heart center and you begin again wondering whether you were at fault for not seeing the rouse, like a bartender for creating such a deceitful nirvana pulling you back for vodka slime.
Just a suggestion perhaps from here forth, for your sake Libra. - constantly love but don't urge to feel the need to share your fears and doubts with that love or else you'll be counting stars and we both know you'd drift before you discovered the dipper
Rest well libra and continue to move with haste.

Dear Libra,
Here's the thing you can't beg someone to spend time With you or care about what you believe, purchasing Meaningless materials for them to want to be around You isn't real or healthy your alone that's the truth from Birth to death you have aquatints and casualties But once you've given so much you feel combustion You have to remind yourself if someone wanted to be within
Your grace you'd be at rest not restless - love it's a weird concept And scares me often. the only love I demand is the embrace of a rested angel so that I too can go back to being me, no reminders of mistakes Embarrassments just me and they love to be alone. We're all filling voids so we don't feel utterly alone I just thought My fill wanted to overdose me whereas it lit the match and smothered itself To he nothing more than a burnt amber waiting for friction to awaken a flame that's been out before it began.

Think Libra,
Being perplexed isn't out of the ordinary for you, you must remind yourself No matter the envious green across the rapid waters you're only hurting
Your belief system if you're own happiness is so indecisive are you truly Content no matter past actions. Have you been yourself? I haven't seen it in years These constant distractions and misguided behaviour have taken your inner growth and for that, I apologize for no matter the clock's constant rotation you must focus on the now because the present could consume you within a matter of seconds without knowing. Move cautiously libra you've become drained.

you are infatuated with a forbidden fruit what draws you to this being what makes you wonder all through the pondering truly does it not drive one mad to know the stubborn irritation. Yet not focusing on your well-being can/ is causing lack of anything as tiresome the world is appearing you must keep trigging on forth for a higher meaning. I know all is lost but even filled with lust you still feel your ever daunting need for more. What may I ask will fill you to your core, a stealth trip down the track dancing your serotonin scentless? Or is it the mere thought of being alone in a city no one knows your story? Leaving would be easy but making a name before you depart is mandatory. ' just a thought'

Libras do not hesitate well with the word no father doesn't hesitate qt all
When lust is mixed they can obtain all energies within contemplation to consumption
So when challenged and denied, well not only have you ruptured the frequency but the vibrational trebles erupting within a lustful libra only means one thing and harsh yet true, greed.

Dear Libra,
In efforts of controlling your chaos you've allowed a ripple effect of destruction
You are still growing and learning you guilt yourself too much when you're only human the mistakes you've made this year have been growing to you. At the peak of your enjoyment, you've allowed worry and judgment to consume your Ora. You've made it to twenty-one and in celebration of surviving so much pain you are still floating on this rapid sea we call life
You've lost the one person who risked it all for you to be here
You've carried a life yes for a short time but you felt whole, yet again you allowed other disbelief in you to block that out and you lost you're what if. And you're still healing from said loss
Your love and compassion for others isn't a weakness but a strength only you can forgive yourself.
Not everyone may und your logic when you're dazed but that is when you are genuinely you.
Libra time heals all wounds it does and as much as we detest that statement we cannot argue that it is true- it is what it is. You're allowed to feel unbalanced but not embarrassed. You are loved by so many that see your potential.

Dear Libra,
Learning to say no has always been your downfall why can't you fixate on being enough and having everything that is already serving you. The humans you hang around are draining your energy and yet you awake willing to give more. They never wanted what was best for "berlandia" they only wanted to know how far she'd go to give them the best they needed. Somewhere along the way you wanted to find a time machine and reset the clock, well aware that's not how things go. If only you can see yourself in the future what would future you say wow you've dwelled so deep that you've lost your light and for what people you don't value. Stop letting yourself down and being made the culprit for others' wrongdoings no you are not clean from your deeds but stop morphing into a drone you're unique not like it's time to distance from toxic friends and stay home when you want to be comfortable. People-pleasing may have worked in your youth but you're an adult time to please yourself. You never did well in raped waters.

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