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We, Threads from the same cloth came out same time different colors

We , look same, eat same , yet so unlike

God gave extra colors to my brother - extra layers he could see

He got sight in abundance - The sight , the curse all the same

When children, we all are princes and princesses in our world

Everyone wants the special gift - to be the next hero

All I say is practical - human life is no fairy tale

The ghosts captured his body

That is what my grandfather said

Father , mother made counter claims but the thought of losing him forever was a sight too disconsolate

They obliged - a powerful baba came

He tried to sweep away the darkness - his jhaadu filled our home with gas

My child brain thought of him releasing a special type of "All Out"

The mosquitos indeed went away , the special mosquitos did not

My brother was still the same - bruised and wounded by the same

Next was the famous Naga Baba

Scared on his entry, I caught a corner and stood there , fixated at my brother

There was another gas, though no jhaadu this time

He performed many rites - I stood by my mother's side

My brother seemed to respond to him - as if the soul/atma directly talked to him

The special mosquitos went away - it felt

The baba arrived like a god for the rescue

Not sure if it were the ghosts or the effect of the surroundings

Now, we same , everything same, we would see the same colors

I thought the straight road would go on and on

But the daily bridge collapsed post a few months

My brother crashed on his head

The ghosts returned

Babas came - Mosquitos vanished away but the special ones still there

The doctors said ," Schizophrenia"

Once I came back after three weeks - he told about making a girlfriend but he would not tell me

I teased him , got him to admit - He kissed a girl

I thought if this is a miracle

Our father told me that he did not step a foot outside in these weeks

I kissed ,he kissed - only one was real but the emotions were same

He never could understand difference between zero and one as one

Sometimes, I feel if I am the culprit - if I gave a ransom inside the womb to give his brains to me

If that is the case - Hey Shiva, please take my whole brain and install it in him.

Now, I am 25,have lived my time - let it be his time as he is the only sweet twin brother of mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2021 ⏰

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