-Part one-

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     New York was one of the places you went for the city. For the people. How alive it is, day and night constantly bustling with colorful cars, and the busy people, some completely silent, to shy to start conversation. Or some talking about anything and everything like no one gives a shit. Some homeless. Some clueless. Or some curious, maybe even in love. Couldn't be George. 

     George Davidson was one of these millions of people. Fresh out of College, he lived alone in a rented out condo since he didn't have many friends. His condo was... well... pretty messy. The usual- clothes scattered on the floor, empty dishes sitting on top of his black-marble counter top, and music books pilled up on the white stools, books "hidden" from view. (A poor attempt) But when you walk through the doorway, inside George's room was a whole other story. Pages and pages of paper everywhere with small words sloppily written, covered one wall. A look to the right, and thriving, green vines fell behind George's second favorite thing that sat in the far corner of his room, in the midst of the chaos. It was a royal blue drum set with white and black checkers for the rims.  complimenting the baby blue duvet on his King size bed pushed up against the plain, white wall. Rows of Vinyl's, bound together with string, hung carefully in a zig-zag on the navy blue wall on the opposite side. Records from Frank Sinatra, One direction, Surf Curse, Bruno Mars, Prince, Micheal Jackson, The Jonas Brothers, to The Arctic monkeys and too many others to name. But George's all time favorite was The Weekend.  

     But, the most enjoyable part of his room was the window. One gigantic piece of glass took place of a wall, that somehow managed to escape the hoards of paper. However his real favorite thing was a small, bright red daybed sat facing the glass, looking down on the city skyline. So when the brunette chose to sit there, he was able to observe the people's daily routines, and current moods. To him, the best thing was being able to see the city after 7:30 when the sun has set. There were arrays of colors that filed the sky before night, but that didn't matter to him. To George it was his own little piss sunset aside from the slightly blue water... eh- it was more of a green, but that was also pretty pissy. So George waited for the black, night sky. The lights in the buildings would flicker on one by one, and he could see black pretty well. It was literally a city of stars to George. When the brunette was stressed or had a lot on his mind, he would simply walk over, and look out of his window for hours to admire their beauty, taking a break to do some writing. With the occasional one or two cars passing by blasting music at two am in the morning, but he would blissfully ignore the music and sleep. Because sleeping was something that George loved to do.

-That's Part one hope you liked it! :) votee???? :D

-Have a great night/day and take care of yourself cuz self care is important <33 see u next time :))

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