Part 3

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Kath is still looking at the familliar figure, her heart starts to beat faster "Kath, Are you akay?" Xian asked worriedly "Uhmm Yeah".

After they dance, Kath went to sit on the sofa, and still thinking about the familliar figure. She looks at where the familliar figure is, the guy turned back and Kath was shocked to see her boyfriend, Kath just shrugged it off and thinks that maybe they're just here to celebrate for something but a girl with a revealing dress went to her boyfriend and kissed each other. The scene broke Kath's heart, because after all this time the man that he loves so much was cheating on her, her tears began to flow, she feels like her heart broke into thousand pieces. She immediately got out in the bar and decided to go home.

When Kath has already arrived at their house, she packed up all of her things and stuff while crying hardly. After an hour she's already done packing all of her stuff in their house, she opened the door and was about to leave but her boyfriend came "Babe, where are you going? And why are you crying?" Kevin asked "Let's end this relationship Kevin!" Kath said while crying and I slapped Kevin "Why?" Kevin asked "You're asking me why? I saw you with another girl kevin and I saw you kissing her! Now it's my turn to ask, Why did you do this to me?! I gave my love to you Kevin, I left my family just because of you, I even let you touch me! Why, Kevin why?" Kath said and cried her heart out, Kevin hold Kath's hand "Babe, I'm really really sorry, I love you Babe, don't leave me because I can't live without you Babe, please, I will not do it again Babe, I will change just don't leave me" Kevin said while crying but Kath yanked his hands away and left with no words.

Kath is now walking in a dark street, she called her Best friend but she's not answering, and it suddenly rain, Kath didn't bring any umbrealla or rain coat.
It's been 2 hours and it's still raining, Kath is already soaked in wet, she's feeling really cold that she starts coughing. Kath didn't take it anymore, she collapsed and everything went black.

Xian was busy driving, going home and thinking where did Kath go, when he suddenly saw a lady laying on street he went out in his car and helped the lady. When he saw the face of the lady, he got shocked because it's Kath "What is she doing here at night with all of these stuffs?" Xian said talking to himself.

In the morning, Kath get up "Oh slowly" She heard a voice, she hold her head as she felt a little bit dizzy, "What are you feeling right now?" Xian asked her "X-xian? W-hy am I doing here?" Kath asked him because She can't remember what happened last night, all she can remember is that her boyfriend cheated on her, and she broke up with him "You collapsed on a street, While I was driving I just saw you laying lifelessly on the street, I should be the one who will ask you, what happened? What's with your stuffs?" Xian said and asked Kath "I broke up with my boyfriend, I saw him kissing other girl on the bar last night, and that's why I walked out on the bar last night" Kath explained "He cheated on you! How can he do that to you!? You're so precious to lose, tsk! Poor Man!" Xian said as he noticed Kath crying "Don't cry Kath, Don't cry for that Man! He don't deserve you and you don't deserve him, you deserve someone better, that someone will come someday, don't cry" Xian said while rubbing Kath's back "Thank you Xian for being here, helping, comforting and motivating me, Thank you so much" Kath said wiping her tears "You know what, you're right, I shouldn't cry for that Man, it's her loss not mine" Kath asked and smiled "That's my girl! By the way, If you don't have somewhere to live in, you can live here with me since I'm lonely here" Xian said while pouting cutely"Thank you for that offer Xian but I can't accept it, it's too much" Kath responded "No it's not, it's okay and don't worry I'm a good guy, this house has two rooms, this room and the guest room, I can just stay in the guest room and besides we're working on the same company" Xian said convincing Kath to live with him "Uhmm okay!" Kath said smiling "yoo-hoo!" Xian smile and shouted...

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