AAR: Operation: Toxic Blade: Written by Zane: Codename Gnar

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Damn. That mission was rough. Anyway, I should probably start from the beginning, more specifically when I got assigned this mission.

The task seemed easy at first, it was an assassination of Urgot, the Dreadnought of Zaun. Someone had to put him in his place. Many fell into his weird meat grinder thing but I managed to get out alive. All thanks to a kid.

Blisk assigned me to take out Urgot. "He's got a big bounty on his head. You're a bounty hunter as well, right?" "In my off time, yes." "Good. Now get going. Send me a picture of him dead and you'll claim the bounty." "Got it." Blisk lead me to a drop ship and we made our way to Piltover. I was supposed to make my way down to Zaun. "Show them what a yordle like you is capable of." I salute him before jumping off.

I haven't been to Piltover in a long while. I laugh at their hextech things. My stuff is far more powerful than them. Now to Zaun. I know there's toxic fog that separates the two regions but my helmet protects me from it. I jump down and land. Then I make my way to where Urgot is supposed to be. Being a yordle in Zaun doesn't help me in the slightest. Yordles are wanted world wide, me especially. I'm actually wanted dead myself. I get a little sidetracked by a nice picture on stone. "Damn. This sure is pretty." I hear noises so someone or something must've heard me. I ready my Mastiff shotgun. "Who's there? Show yourself!" Then I hear a voice.

"A yordle? With a gun? In Zaun?" Then the......kid showed himself. "You can't say much. You're a kid." "Have you heard of that Pilite yordle? Do you know eachother?" "I've heard of Heim before and no we don't know eachother." "Then where the hell are you from?" "The Freljord. Ancient Freljord to be exact." "So you're prehistoric?" "Yeah........" "Why the hell do you have all that tech?" "I'm actually the last prehistoric yordle alive. And I work for an organisation that I won't disclose." "What's your name then?" "The name's Zane but I prefer if you called me Gnar. It's my codename." "I'm Ekko. Why are you here?" I show him a picture of Urgot's wanted poster. "I'm looking to claim this bounty." "That's gonna be tough. I don't think anyone survived an encounter with him." Now this got me worried. "Well if I die, I'll die a great death." "You seem like you could put up a fight." "Then take me to where he is." "Got it."

A few minutes of traveling around Zaun and we finally come across him. He didn't notice us yet. "Whatever you do, Gnar don't......" I jump down making a loud crash, alerting him. "Jump down......" "Well well well. Look what we got here. This should be an easy kill." "Wait. Before you kill me, I'm here to kill you." He looks me down. "I can see that. Now, let's get this over with."

I shoot a few shots and they hit him, Urgot doing the same. I was very erratic in my movements. He was am easy target to hit, considering his size. But eventually, I started to miss a few more and became more predictable while Urgot was hitting me with pinpoint accuracy. Then he shot his chemdrill, penetrating and pulling me in. Just as I was about to die, I phased out and appear back again. "I don't think so." Then the same thing happens a few minutes later. I had to retreat because I ran out of ammo and went up to the vantage point where Ekko was. He shot his chemdrill once again and pulled me in. This time.........Ekko saved me. "Do over!" He rewinded time for me. I managed to dodge the drill this time and ran away.

"Jesus Christ, you saved my ass! Thank you!" "Anytime Gnar." You can call me Zane now. You've earned my respect. Now let's get the hell out of here." "Agreed." We went back to where we met. "Sorry you couldn't kill him." "I don't mind. "At least I know what's he's capable of now." "Can I see what you look like so we could recognise eachother?" I take off my helmet revealing my white fur and my tusks. "So you really are prehistoric." "Yep. Look good don't I? See ya around." "See ya, Zane."

I make my way back up to Piltover. "Gnar to Blisk. I'm out of Zaun. Requesting evac." "Be right there." A few minutes later the ship arrives and I hop on. "Was the mission successful?" "Unfortunately, negative. I tried the best I could. I almost died twice." "Twice? Your phase shift device is supposed to save you once. How did you escape the second time?" "You'll see in the AAR."

Then we finally made it back. "I don't mind you didn't kill him. You know what they say." "Third time's the charm?" "Yep." "I got footage from the fight that could be used in the AAR. I got the audio logs as well." "Good. Now go and write it up." "Sir yes sir."

And that's how I got here.

End of report.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2021 ⏰

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