Chapter 10

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Katie's POV
Three weeks later...

"Chad!" I cry out as he rushed me to the hospital.

Once again, even though I wasn't in any stressful situations, my water broke at 28 weeks and 6 days, meaning my daughter is a Nano-Preemie.

"Hang on baby, we're almost there!" Chad says as we fly into the ER parking lot of Vancouver Children's.

I'm rushed back to the emergency room where they try Cotzin to stop my labor but it doesn't work.

"Call the OR, taking her back for an emergency C-section!" The doctor says as they wheel me back and I cry as Chad is forced to change into a gown and other sterile things before being let back with me.

They get Lyric out rather quickly and I see Chad watching as they show her to us. She attempts to cry as the NICU nurses rush her away from us.

After I'm stitched up, the nurses take me to our room, where little Lyric is in the Incubator, an oxygen mask on her face, and several monitors on her chest and legs.

"Alright, mom and dad. So, little Lyric here isn't a Nano-Preemie, she's a Micro-Preemie. She was born after 27 weeks, so that's where the classification is. She's doing rather well according to the nurses and they expect her to make it out of here. So, take it easy for right now, it will be alright." He says and I see Chad walk over to the Incubator and peer inside it at his daughter. Our daughter.

"She looks just like you." He says as he watches her face crinkle in distress and chuckles.

"She's just as crabby as Kenzie is when she gets disturbed." He says as he walks back to me and I sigh as he hugs me.

After a few hours, Ryan comes in with Nel, they got together not too long ago, and I smile as Kenzie comes over and hugs me.

"Hey babygirl." I whisper as I hug her gently and Chad sits with us as we all watch Lyric in the Incubator.

I'll Be There for You ~ Another Chad Kroeger FFWhere stories live. Discover now