"Can i do it?"

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I was sitting in bed scrolling thru Tik Tok when I seen a text from Adam.

Banksie <3, sent you a message

A: Hey babe, can I come over? Yk, before the game so we can go together :)

Y: Yeah! I'm not doing anything so come anytime

A: Great! How about rn?

Y: Sure, see you soon. Love you ❤️

A: See ya! Love you too baby ❤️

Adam lived only two houses down from me so it only took him like two minutes to get to my house. I got up and walked downstairs to wait for Adam. As soon as I got downstairs the door opened.

"Hey babe!" "Adam!" I said squealing jumping into his arms. "Well someone missed me" Adam said with a chuckle. "Mhm. Its been too long" I said with a huff looking up at him, kissing him. "I just seen you yesterday" "And?" Adam laughed. He gave me a quick peck on the lips before letting me go and taking my hand to go upstairs into my room. "Omg you cleaned your room" Adam said with a sarcastic gasp placing his hand on his chest to make it even more dramatic. "Yeah yeah, whatever" I said rolling my eyes with a slight chuckle. Adam and I laid down on my bed. We still had 9 hours till the game since it was only 11:30 A.M. I sighed. Nothing. I sighed again. Nothing, again. I sighed dramatically for the third time. STILL nothing. I huffed and crossed my arms. I seen out of the corner of my eye Adam look at me and let out a fast breath out of his nose. "What?" He said. "Hm? Oh, nothing. I'm fine" saying the last part a little sarcastically dramatic. "Oh. My. Gosh. Y/N!" "Hm?" I said. "Your so needy, come here" Adam said grabbing me and flipping me over so he was on top. I stared into is beautiful blue eyes. He leaned in and kissed me. Butterflies. Our kissing kind of turned into a make out session. I accidentally moaned into our kissing. Adam slipped his hand under me and flipped me over on top of him. Adam pulled away from the kiss. "Damn y/n." I giggled. I layed next to Adam and cuddled him putting my leg and arm across him. My eye lids got heavier, eventually falling asleep on the love of my life.

"Y/n. Y/n! I woke up with Adam gently shaking me. "HuH?," I said sitting up fast. "Oh, it's just you" I laughed laying back down putting me hands on my face dragging them down it. "What time is it?" I asked. "Mmm," Adam hummed, looking for his phone or some source to tell him the time. "5:30" The game against the Eden Hall Varsity team was at 7:30 so we still had two hours. "Alright well, I'm gonna go braid my hair" "can I do it?" Adam asked. I stoped in my tracks and got butterflies. I loved when people played or braided my hair. But I never told Adam that, I don't know why tho.
"Y-Yeah" I said with a stupid smile on my face walking into the bathroom to grab my brush and a hair tie. I walked back to the bed handing Adam the brush and hair tie. I jumped on the bed and sat criss cross applesauce. I felt two large, strong hands grip my hips and pull me into his lap quickly. I turned beat red and put my head down so Adam wouldn't see how red I was from his actions. Tho, Adam put one side of my hair behind my ear and saw anyway, he laughed at me. I smiled. I sat back up and Adam started to brush my
y/h/l y/h/c messy bed head. Oh my goodness this felt amazing, I don't know what it was about people playing with my hair but I loved it. "Wait. How do I braid hair again?" Adam said with a nervous chuckle scratching the back of his head. "You part my hair into three even sections, then, you take one one strand and put it over the middle strand, and then the other side over the one you put over the middle and keep doing that pattern until you reach the bottom of my hair." I heard Adam murmuring the directions I just gave him. "Okay. Got it." Adam parted my hair into three even sections and started to braid my hair. I'm not gonna lie I almost fell asleep, Adams hands were so...gentle, despite what they look like. Once Adam was done he put on the hair tie to keep his "masterpiece" as he said, from falling apart. Once he was done with that he wrapped his strong muscly arms around me and nuzzled his head in my neck leaving sweet little kisses on it. I giggled at the sensation I was getting from his touch. "You're so beautiful y/n." he said hugging me tighter. I smiled and turned my head to kiss the top of his. Adam and I got up to pack our gear. It was 6 o'clock now, we had 1-1/2 hours till the game. I was definitely nervous. The varsity team was big and pretty fricken great at hockey. But they didn't play pretty. I would know because Adam and I were put on the varsity team for a while. I put Adam and mines duffel bags in the backseat and hopped in next to him and put my seatbelt on. "You ready?" "Yeah.." I said trailing of a bit, it took us about 30-45 minutes to get to the rink we were having the game at. About 15 minutes into the car ride I started to overthink about the game.

"What if I get hurt?"

"What if Adam gets hurt. Or even Connie, or anyone else-"

I was cut off by Adam putting his hand on my thigh. I look at him curiously. "Your overthinking again, you were bouncing your leg." "Oh, yeah" I said with a nervous chuckle looking back to where I was before. "So, whats up?" Adam asked, referring to what I was thinking about. "Oh, uh, I was just thinking...well- what if one of us gets severely hurt?! I mean. The varsity team doesn't play nice. I mean you seen what they did with Charlie that one time. They cracked his helmet glass!" "Yeah...but," Adam said squeezing my thigh "were gonna be just fine baby." Adam said, reassuring me. I smiled at him.

We got at the rink at 6:55 so we were still 35 minutes early. Me and Adam headed to the locker room to see Charlie and Guy talking. "Hey babe!" I turned to see Connie running towards me with her arms wide open. "Hey babe" I said with a laugh squeezing Connie in the hug. "Ready?" "Yess!" I said with a big smile. After a few minutes we started to get ready. I looked over at Adam who was in only sweats showing his abs. Woah. I've never seen Adam shirtless. I must've been staring too long because he noticed me and winked. I quickly turned away with tomatoes on my cheeks. I heard Adam chuckle, and I could hear the smirk with it.

"Let's do this." I said skating into the ice with Adam and Connie next to my side.

"YEAHHH!!!" I screamed. Goldberg had just scored our winning goal! "Yeah, Goldberg!!!" Everyone was shouting. I skated up to him and hugged him. "Nice job Goldberg!" I yelled over all the shouting to him. "Don't you ever do that to me again y/n." I laughed. I took off my helmet and skated over to Adam, as he did the same. I jumped in his arms and he spun me around a few times then kissing me.

"I love you y/n."

I stood there in shock.
Oh my gosh.
Adam just said he loved me.

"I love you too Adam." I said putting my forehead against his.

Well this one was long eh? 😅 Anyways thank you sm for reading! This took me about an hour to wright lmao. Have a good day loves! 💕

Word count: 1389

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