The start of something big

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I look up from my podium and see scowling faces, some are giggling in amusement.

I clear my throat, "And what's so funny? This is some real shit." I state.

"Vaewolves are abominations, they aren't supposed to exist! You're acting as if this is segregation in America. Black people deserve to be treated equally, they were taken from their homes and enslaved, centuries later they are separated from whites because whites thought and still think they are superior. And still to this day black people are treated differently. All this 'segregation' and 'lynching' in your speech, you're trying to compare the two to make us feel like we are as bad as racists." A woman from the crowd says, she really thinks she did something.

It's hard to understand stupid people.

"They are similar when segregation is brought up. You're arguing with an African American whose parents went through segregation and fought for Civil Rights. I'm educated on this matter, you clearly are not. Us Vaewolves are innocent people. We get paid less if we can even get a job, we are separated within your kingdoms and packs as if we are scum. The ignorant people in this room will agree that we are. Our hospitals aren't good enough and none of you help, shame on you. Mothers die during child birth 30% of the time and 36% of the time, the child is a still born, because we aren't provided with advanced medical education, we barely have education at all." I state, I can feel my face heating up with anger.

"If you don't like the clan then LEAVE." A voice spoke up, many people applauded them.

"You'd rather kick them out than reach out to help them? Mx. Quintanilla is right. All of you are extremely ignorant. The only reason why you have hatred for the Vaewolves is because you hate Werewolves. Most of you are centuries old and you see no similarities from past history? Our clan used to kick out black members for the color of their skin. And now you want to do the same thing to the Vaewolves, who have no control over being born the way they are. As Vampires and Evae, I'd assume that you would understand being hated for something you can't control." A Vampire said, distancing himself from the crowd.

I'm surprised, he is one of the older vampires. No one has an excuse to think in a ignorant way, I expect they will use their age as an excuse. I motion for him to step behind the podium with me and he does, unhesitatingly. The crowd looks shocked and some of them look scared.

"Who cares? They aren't our problem. They don't need to be in a Clan or Pack, why can't they start their own thing instead of being dependent?" A voice spoke.

My blood boils, "We tried. How ignorant are you? How fucking dare you? Everyone knows that the 'Quintanilla Family Tragedy' was global news. It was the hatred of Vampires and Werewolves that ended us. And obviously, because of that tragic day, Vaewolves are still terrified to even try to recreate the Family." I say, my voice is shaking. I'm not scared or sad, I'm angry. Arguing with stupid people is so infuriating, it's so hard to keep cool.

"We owe them because of what our species did. The very least we can do is help them. They deserve to be treated equally. They're half of us, they are our own. It's disgusting that you all ignore the fact that they are still partially vampire/evae. Isn't it the clans rule that we help each other through thick and thin because we are a family?" An Evae says, they also distance themself from the crowd.

"Ugh, We will continue this discussion another day. The sun is rising."

I gather my papers and put them back in my briefcase as the crowd disbands. I don't know who, but someone very harshly bumps into me, making me drop my papers. They walk away, it was on purpose. I groan and crouch, picking them up. I see someone's shoes and get a glimpse of them picking up a sheet. "How rude, I apologize for my people. You don't deserve to be treated such a way." It's the Vampire who spoke up, and the Evae is standing behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2022 ⏰

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