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It was a regular morning for Bucky, he woke up next to his lovely wife and he kissed her good morning. "Hey honey, did you put the coffee on?" He asked quietly from his side of the bed. "Yea its should be ready right now," She said smiling at him.

He thanked her and got up, picked out his favourite suit and tie and made his way to the kitchen. His two children sat at the table eating their breakfast, talking about the homework they forgot to do. "You two didnt do your homework?" Bucky asked starting to pour his coffee, "Of course not! were not fuck heads!" one of the kids said to him.

He got caught off guard and his hand slipped and poured coffee on his arm burning it. he threw the pot down and held his arm, spilling coffee onto the floor of the kitchen. His wife ran into the kitchen hearing the comotion, "Is everyone oka-" She got cut off when she slipped on the coffee and fell, breaking her ankle. "OH MY GOD HONEY ARE YOU OKAY" Bucky yelled running to her, forgeting about the coffee and slipping himself.

The children panicked and started crying, the whole kitchen was filled with noise and comotion. The bigger of the children grabbed the phone and called 911, it took them 10 minutes to arrive and when they did they took his wife off the the hospital. His arm wasnt badly burnt so he stayed at home to watch the children, they were grounded for 3 months after that.

~ 5 months later ~

It was a quiet morning, ever since the inncodent with the coffee the family barely talked. Coffee was banned from the house due to his inpact of the children when they see it, and with nothing to calm his nerves Bucky took up smoking. His wife and him had drifted farther and farther apart, they didnt talk in the morning before he left for work and they barely talked at dinner when he got home.

It was another gloomy day inside the house, the twins hid in their rooms to avoid the awkward exchange between the parents. Bucky was on the couch drinking a beer looking at the tv, he was watching paid programming. His wife had her jacket on and she left to go out on a "girls night" he knew she was cheating on him and it hurt him on the inside. 

He decided it there and then that he needed to go take a walk. he needed to clear his head and think about what he should do about his wife. He left the children with the next door neighbor and went out, it was cold outside and the air was making him shiver. The streets were quiet but he needed to be more alone, he went to a small forest next to his house and walked inside. sticks and twigs poked and scraped him till he got to a clearing, it was completely quiet and perfect.

He sat and thought for a while, it could of been 5 minutes, 5 hours, or 5 days, he didnt know. He was snapped out of his daze when he heard a voice from behind him, he turned and saw a black haired girl with an evil grin on her face.

"Kira!" Dakota yelled looking at Kira, "That is the worst story i have ever heard! Its just a raccoon you killed to make a stupid hat, he doesnt need some tragic backstory!"  Kira rolled her eyes and jumped down from the counter, "Your just mad because i didnt mention you in the story!" Kira snapped back at her. Dakota just huffed and walked away leaving Kira alone on the counter smiling, Kira knew the story was true, she just knew it.

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