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There was once someone and that someone was me. Someone who drew the world full of colors and painted it with a magical brush that made things sparkle in your eyes.

And then there was you. That someone else named Yu...

Yu once told me that I had a chance to be an artist as I was quite the penpal of watercolors and crayons who always played along with pencils, erasers, and coupons.

Not very confident as I was with how I made my artworks look at the end product but I had the impression that I was having fun with every new and unpredictable creation. Yu would often doodle on them or somehow make her own creative letterings and such just to catch up with my hobby.

"What makes a blue rose better than a red rose?" Yu commented on one of my ongoing paintings one afternoon as I was significantly running my brush on the canvas leaving the shades of blue paint penetrating the flower's petals.

"Nothing~ It's just that it admired the sky and sea too much that it was granted to be clothed with the garment of their color." I trailed off something that randomly came to  mind lifting a corner of my lip with my totally somewhat clever answer. 

Yu tapped my right shoulder before letting out an unconvinced smile and turning back on the canvas that was half finished. She picked the other brush and dipped it in the darker blue paint sabotaging my creation with one big splash of it on the center of my masterpiece.

My eyebrows met and twitched as I sank in the bottom of regret of not being able to turn it out the way I wanted it. My eyes suddenly watered up and I couldn't help myself but laugh it off before I ended bursting forth my anger into laughters when I chased Yu around the room until she could hardly laugh when I ended up tickling her as a punishment.

"Ahh~ Hahah! Get a grip! I get it~ I'm... Hahaha..  So-sorr- I meant to make it brighter! Hahaha.." She struggled refusing to get a load of the tickles and she ended up rolling me down the floor taking her part to tickle me back.

We echoed our laughters along with accumulating tears that might have been because of overdosing with happiness at the moment.

And when both of us lost to our strengths, we laid supine on the floor with outstretched hands and relaxed atmosphere. We could almost hear each other's breaths calming down with the gentle breeze that made the curtains to waver nearby.

"Ahh~ I was thinking that a blue rose is rare and red ones are overrated so you painted a blue one. I wanted to give it a distraction to distort the whole concept of the painting. I guess you're too serious to turn it so perfectly. Did I ruin it right before your eyes?" Yu told me that we both rolled our eyes to that painting that was almost done with that one splash of darker blue at the center.

I smiled and arose before I held back my brush and finished the whole painting. It turned out to be a blue rose with a magical wand being used over it having those darker blue sparkles as the magic starts to pixelate over it.

Yu was even amazed how I turned her sabotaging intention to something far better.

"Impressive~ I think I can sabotage all your works without a thing to worry about, Brie~"

I narrowed my gaze to her and she only chuckled before she gave me a massage on my head and she told me that I did well.  

We only documented my work by taking a picture of the two of us with it.

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