Chapter 18

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Olivia was on my bed, as I was telling her how I was going to approach a plan of owning a baking shop, but Jesse kept discouraging the idea and told me to be selling at the restaurant. His idea was awesome because I'd have fewer expenses and save up to make a bigger plan for myself. Jesse was so supportive and it was a true blessing. "I don't know why you want to be stubborn, Jesse has the best interest for you, but you're just hard-headed," Olivia commented.

I wanted to be paying Olivia if the business escalates. She was truly hard working and I just wanted her to be on her own, you know. Jesse was writing his exams and had gone away for a while because he needed to concentrate. We had set a time at night when we could talk and devotion time. He would always make time for me no matter how busy he was and I would do the same, because we both are always eager to talk to each other. People tell me that after the honeymoon phase is over, that's when everything will change but I prayed not. I didn't want to have that mentality. However, being an over-thinker, I would always have it at the back of my head and bring it up when I talk to Jesse. "Honestly, a relationship isn't easy. No one ever said that it was. Many people say that if they had money that their relationship would be perfect, but that's not the case. You see celebrities breaking up yet they have money, so money is not everything. Some people also say that all you need is love; you can have the love but no communication nor trust, no support. I believe that people don't build a foundation where their relationship is supposed to stand on. Our foundation is God. When problems occur, we run to him. Some relationships are based off on work, no communication, no love...they just display that they have a perfect relationship in public but do not even talk in private, they fell for the hard working, committed partner. To sum up, not a lot of people communicate in their relationships, a problem will rise up but they won't bring it forth until too late. Some have everything but the timing is wrong. A honeymoon phase comes and goes but it's up to the people to maintain it. Life isn't a stroll around the park, there would be days when you'd want to die, you'd want to praise God, you'd cry yourself to sleep, but it's just a bad season, not a bad life. Many people want relationships to be 50/50 but that's not how it will always be. There will be some days when it's 20/80, 60/40, 1/99 and that's the harsh truth. We aren't guaranteed that we won't break up, God knows that I don't want to lose you but it's his plan, his will not ours," explained Jesse.

There was something that I was keeping from Jesse, but it wasn't important as much but he needed to know, after all, we promised each other truth no matter how bitter it is. "Cleo is on my case, Jesse," I revealed.

He drew in a deep breath. "We'll talk about her when I get back, okay?"


"Just keep in mind that I chose you...not her."

One day as I was mopping the house, Olivia came back from work and had fear on her face as she approached. "What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Jamal," she replied with shaking fingers.

"What about him?"

"He was involved in a car accident."

The mop that I had fell to the floor. "Today?"

"No, a week ago. I only heard today that he was the victim at the accident," she answered, she took deep breathes.

"I need to see him. Wanna come with me?" I asked Olivia.

"He's mostly closer to you; it's only my face that he knows."

Good point. I quickly got my phone and tried calling his number. To my surprise, he picked up. "Hi Jamal."


"I heard what happened. How are you doing?" I asked with so much worry.

"I'm better now. Haven't heard from you in a while," he replied.

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