tonton confessions❤️🏳️‍🌈

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commission post, includes margie x Mary and Andrew x Victor
Norton twiddles with his thumbs nervously, swinging his feet underneath the table

Margie is sitting next to Norton, Mike sitting next to her

"Hey Margie, who do you think the hunter is?" Mike asks

She shrugs, playing with her music box

"I hope it's Mary, I love dancing with her and she's so beautiful"

Norton looks at Mike, watching his blue starry eyes glistening, his golden locks bouncing with his small head moments

He blushes, looking away, getting the lawyers attention

"Are you okay Norton?"

He nods gulping slightly

Mike reaches over the table, grabbing a frosted cupcake, He shoves the whole cupcake in his mouth

Norton let's out a soft giggle

Mike looks at him, his mouth and fingers covered in frosting, He smiles like a dork, his mouth still full of cupcake

Norton taps his foot to the soft music playing in the main area of the manor, relaxing after a stressful match with the ripper

Mike comes into the room with Margie, Victor and Victors boyfriend Andrew

Norton almost stands up to leave before he sees Mike's smile

Mike laughs at a joke Margie said, His beautiful laugh fills the small room, Norton bites his nail feeling his cheeks heat up

"M-Mike?" He says, standing up

Mike turns, tilting his head

"Oh! yeah Norton?"

Margie watches with her arms crossed, She nudges Victor with her elbow, leading them to leave with her

Norton gulps loudly, his tight shirt collar suddenly feeling hot and sweaty

He takes his mining hat off, putting it over his heart

"M-Mike I...have something to tell you and I'm terrified to tell you"

Mike looks at him with concern in his blue eyes

"Are you okay?!" He panics, gently putting his hands on nortons face, trying to feel his forehead

"Im okay! I promise!"

Mike nods, his hands staying on nortons face

Norton exhales nervously


Mike tilts his head, giggling softly

"One more time?"

"Im in love with you mike"

Mike giggles more, bouncing on the balls of his feet

Mike grabs his face pulling him into a soft kiss, Mike has to stand on his tip-toes to reach him properly

Norton pulls away, looking at Mike with absolute shock on his face

Mike grins at him, feeling his warm cheeks underneath his hands

Norton leans in again, kissing him one more time to truly believe it

"I CALLED IT! VICTOR YOU OWE ME $5!" Margie yells from the hallway, running back down the hall to find victor

Mike pulls away, laughing so hard that he hiccups

Norton smiles at him, laughing along with him

Mike leans his head on nortons chest

"I've always loved you norton, I was just worried that you thought I was a monster like everyone else..."

Norton plays with his hair

"Really? I thought you'd think I'm a monster because of my past"

"I love you Norton Campbell"

Norton smiles, leaning his head on Mike's

"I love you too Mike Morton"


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