Chapter 9 - Sleepover

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Hey, Kathy. Do u wanna hang out with us tomorrow? U know? Watch movies and stuff. Oh. It's a sleepover at my house, of course.

Oh. A text message. From Erica. Maybe sleepover would be great for me. I better ask mom about this.

I walked to her room because that's the only place she would be after she got home. I knocked the door and waited when she said "Come in."

"Hey, mom. Could I have a sleepover with Erica tomorrow? Please?" I said while making cute puppy dog eyes.

"Hmmm? Oh. Yeah. Sure."

No arguments? That work well.

"Okay then. Goodnight."



Finally. I could die of boredom here. History is so boring that it could instantly make me fall assleep.

I stretched my hand and wait for the other student to get out of this class. If I get out now, I would probably squished up like a canned sardine. That would be pathetic.

After a few seconds, I grab my books and head to my locker.

"Hey! Kathy! Ready for today plan?" Erica asked while walking up to me.


"Great. Lets go." she said then put her arm around my shoulder.


"I thought it's just the two of us." I half whispered to Erica.

We were sitting on her bed while the other three girls sit on the carpet. I look at them with confusion. I thought this is a sleepover.

"And I thought this is a sleepover?" I whispered again.

"Excuse me? We can hear you clearly." The girl with the supertight short red dress said while rolling her eyes. The other two just nod their heads.

" is a sleepover. But. Not before we have some fun!!! Right, girls!??"she shrieked.

Oh, man. I'm in a lot of trouble.

"Now, you get up and dress up." Erica exclaimed at me.


"We are going to a club!"

The other three girls screamed in excitement.

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