Chapter one

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I wake up to someone opening my curtains, the sun immediately beaming directly in my face "ahh!" I whine opening my eyes slowly "time to get up your highness." I hear from my maid and best friend Kate. "one you know I hate mornings and two it's just us call me y/n!~~~ " I say sitting up, whining a bit trying to move my papers out of the way "you where up all night drawing and writing weren't you?" She said putting her hands on her hips awaiting my answer "w-well not all night..." I say nervously, she raises an eyebrow at me "mhm okay." I sigh a bit "okayyyy maybe I was up all night" she smiles at me and chuckles a bit "I knew it!" I ruffle my hair "you know I love drawing. " Kate smiled "I know...I just wished you'd get some sleep." I smiled " I know I know..." she sets a tray of fresh breakfast on my bed. "Here is your food y/n." I smile and giggle a bit as I start eating, Kate walks over to my closet and looks for some clothes for me "you know that your father will be leaving today for his month long trip to another kingdom." Kate says rambling still searching my closet for clothes, my eyes widen forgetting that he was leaving today so I hurry up and finish eating and I jump out of bed running over to my closet to help Kate look for something for me to wear. "I completely forgot that was today!!!" I say whining "don't worry love, here!" she says handing me a dress. I sigh and quickly walk into my bathroom to take a quick shower and change. I put the dress on after getting out of the shower

I look at myself and shake my head putting on a cardigan over it

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I look at myself and shake my head putting on a cardigan over it

I look at myself and shake my head putting on a cardigan over it

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I quickly put on my shoes

running out of my room, forgetting to do my hair

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running out of my room, forgetting to do my hair. I make my way through the castle hallway and into the throw room. "Father!" I say completely out of breath, my dad gets up and hugs me "did you run here to say goodbye before I leave?" I nodded quickly "I completely forgot to do my hair" I say giggling "you know that I'll be leaving your brother in charge until I get back, okay?" I nod sadly "I'll miss you." "I'll miss you too princess, oh and make sure when you go out to town you take a guard with you." I sigh and nod reluctantly he then goes back to talking to my brother, unfortunately me and my brother used to be close until mom died...he hasn't talked much to me since, it hurts because I never understood why but before I could continue to think my brother told me to talk to him after dad left, I nodded and quickly left dad and brother to talk.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2022 ⏰

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