~Star's hearts~

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*marco sees star looking a bit down*

Marco: Star? are you okay?

Star: I guess...

Marco: Star i know there's something wrong you're usually like an open book but you're acting really quiet

Star: *sighs* Okay marco it's just ever since all magic was destroyed, i can't use magic anymore and i can't use cloudy to get places, and i look really weird without my hearts

*Marco looked down slightly but he got an idea and looked at star*

Marco: Uh you know if you'd like i can draw them onto your cheeks

Star: *Smiles* I'd like that marco

Marco: Okay i'll be right back

*marco goes to find some face paint*

*A few minutes later*

*Marco was painting on her hearts*

Marco: Aaaand there! ready to see the results?

Star: Yeah!

*Marco held up a mirror and star looked at her reflection and saw her hearts*

Star: *gasps* M- my hearts! it's like...they never left in the first place

Marco: See? I told you

Star: oh i love it! thank you thank you thank you!!!!!

*Star embraces marco tightly*

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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