Chapter 1 - The Grand Renaissance

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"Mukai Kuriki's new album 'Rarer than diamond' makes its way on the top 10 charts"

"Wakita Chisei and Kamoshita Nokaze spotted making out at Kobe hot springs"

"Shimisaki Kaede stars in new film, Duplicate"

These were the few of the headlines found on the popular newspaper brand "The Grand Renaissance".

Although many were into the boiling tea, Perushime Botan thought it was absolutely invasive and despicable. His personal life had been exploited on the papers before. His dissociative personality disorder, his pills, and everything in particular. The thing that made the rumors more scandalous was the fact he was a jpop idol and Olympic ice skater. He was coerced into being the public's role model; one major wrong move and it's all over. He needed to be society's most wanted doll; pretty, and talented. Gossip absolutely cannot surround him, especially about his recent breakup. If The Grand Renaissance were to find out, he'd be screwed over by his personal manager, Gawara Seiren.

Konuma Senki and Perushime Botan had been dating for 6 years. However, that all changed in one night...

Senki and Botan first met each other at the beginning of high school in Beppu. Their first encounter was all unexplainable to Botan, it made him feel uneasy yet it was captivating. The way Senki's coquettish grin extended when he caught Botan, the way his face was a tiny inch away from the other's face; it seemed all so seductive and cinematic. They were practically destined to meet, in their opinion. For 2 years, they subtly flirted back and forth but then they became official when Senki finally had the balls to ask Botan out. Their first date was at a local park, a basic, romantic picnic. Of course, they hit it off. Therefore, they went to the same musical arts college; but they didn't get into the same entertainment company after studying for 4 years. They got engaged after their first 2 years in separate companies, Botan was fine being in Diamant Studios and Senki was alright being in MD entertainment ; their relationship was also pretty healthy.

It was one year ago when the couple had grown apart, Senki being the main reason why. He'd almost always decline dates unless it had to do with shopping, always be on his phone texting someone, and act so aloof around Botan. This didn't go on longer because recently, Botan found out the truth...

Senki cheated on him with Mukai Kuriki. The exact same way Kuriki's ex-girlfriend cheated on him with another girl.

Did Botan just trust in make-believe? Was Senki cheating on him the whole of last year?

Theories roamed through his mind after everything. The one thing that bothered him was, what if Senki and Kuriki were already seen together?


A notification from Shinrin popped up on his phone. The Grand Renaissance had just posted an article:

"Did #Konushime divorce? Konuma Senki and Mukai Kuriki spotted kissing at The Kin Izakaya"

"Shit, shit, shit!" yelled Botan.

His heart was stuck in his throat, his words were held captive on his tongue and his hands were restlessly trembling. A knock was heard at the door. It was his personal manager Gawara Seiren. Slowly yet fearfully, Botan opened the door only to be met with a comforting hug. It was unexpected of the manager who was 2 years older than him.

"Shhhh... You can let yours tears out, I'm not mad," Seiren spoke in a soft tone.

The choking sobs that were suppressed earlier went under the necessary catharsis. After a whole 9 minutes of weeping, Seiren had a eureka moment. It was an expressive yet inventive idea that could possibly help Botan through the psychological torture and heartache he was going through.

"Hey, why don't you write an EP about it?" suggested Seiren.

Like a peregrine falcon, Botan dashed upstairs, got a pen and some paper, and started writing. The first two songs were written in English, made to be played on the piano, and very poignantly intense. The vocal techniques used were more difficult and polished the tracks' intended tone, the lyrics were also very heart-wrenching and would make you think of any tragic moment in your existing (or non-existent) love life. On the contrary, the other two songs were written in Japanese, more upbeat and more nostalgic. The lyrics of the songs were more on the topic of looking back on the past memories made with Senki and letting them go.

After proofreading the lyrics nine times, Botan started to pre-record them on the voice recorder app that his phone had. The whole process took 3 hours. It was already 10:50 pm and dusk started to fall like a snowflake in the winter wind.

"I have to get going, see you in the studio at 6:09 am," stated Seiren.

After bidding their byes, Botan laid in his bed as sleep began to take him over.             

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