Chapter 3 - Deal with a devil; Chōkan Tsurugi

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Perushime steadily woke up from his slumber with a heavy pounding (more like swelling) in his head. As his vision got better, he realized something.

This room wasn't his.

Staring down at his own petite body, he also realized he was...


Quickly, he got his phone and saw a notification from The Grand Renaissance.

'Perushime Botan found drunk singing in a Yoyogi beer hall'

Fuck, he had been so irresponsible again. Viscerally, Perushime hesitantly turned his head to face the other side of the bed. He let out a blood-curdling scream. The sight he saw was possibly the worst scenario that could ever happen. His enemy, Tsurugi, sleeping in the same bed he was in, with no clothes, and most likely in the nude.

"Can you not scream so early in the morning?" Tsurugi complained, stretching his arms. "It's too early for this shit."

"You bastard! First, you post an online article about me drunk singing, which, just to let you know, will have me put on hiatus for two months. Then, I find you fully stripped, in the same bed as me! YEAH, HOW CAN ANYONE BE CALM‽" rambled Botan with a bit of rancor in his voice.

Perushime can feel the hot teardrops dripping off of his similarly hot cheeks. It felt like Chōkan was intentionally trying to wreck his life. Hearing from rumors, Chōkan was a malicious man who always gets what he wants so Perushime doubt he'd take down the online article he posted.

"I'm sorry but people are amused by these sorts of things, honey~," Tsurugi sarcastically and heartlessly remarked. "Unless you make a good deal with me, I shall reconsider. Don't worry, I have the post limited to a few viewers, so the first 100 people see it. Also, the post is screenshot and repost proof for now. Think of a good deal to prevent the news from being posted to everyone."

Although he sees Chōkan as an archnemesis, he had to confess that he was a handsome dickhead. His brownish-black hair, his russet eyes, and his toned ivory body. He wishes he could drool over him all day. But, in spite of all that, Perushime knew he couldn't even stand on the same platform as him. He was just a magenta-haired divorcé who was just a celebrity because of how much of a laughingstock he was in the public eye. He wasn't as elegant as Mukai Kuriki, wasn't as famous as Konuma Senki wanted him to be, and definitely, not as visually stunning as the Tsurugi.

"Fine. Just because you were so kind enough to reconsider," Botan scoffed.

The real reason why Chōkan made the deal with Perushime was because he wanted to see his cute reactions and how far he was willing to go for something he was committed to. To be honest, he felt bad for recording Perushime drunk singing and deeply wanted to hug him when he cried but couldn't bring himself to.

Before leaving his house, he left Perushime a note:


Take any of the clothes that I placed in a small fuchsia box inside of the wardrobe, in front of the bed. They don't fit me. Plus, there's some leftover dessert that I bought, "Forêt de carambole" I think? By the way, I'll give you until I come back (9 hours) to think of the offer. Good luck ;)

- Tsurugi.'

When Perushime read the note, he felt irritation slightly creep up on him and found it somewhat beguiling. Some unknown feelings started to intoxicate him; he felt like he was going insane. His heart was running at the light of speed, his face was redder than a cherry and his words were twisted. Thoughts about Chōkan danced in his mind; then, he remembered that he needed to think of a good deal to prevent the chaos that would get him beheaded by Seiren's twin.

Gawara Keiren.

Just pondering or hearing the name is enough to send shivers down Perushime's spine. Keiren was the exact opposite of Seiren.

Ruthless, rigorous, and really shitty. The man had no shame for all his past controversies and could possibly be a psychopath. He was like Momobami Kirari but more short-tempered, he was like Light Yagami but with a lack of justice and he was like Midari Ikishima but more demented. Although Keiren got lucky with his looks, his personality overall was crap. 

"Time to start thinking of the deal I'm going to make with that damn devil," Botan uttered to himself.

While Perushime was thinking of a good offer, Chōkan was in a meeting with the CEO of Diamant studios.

"So, you want to meet up with Perushime Botan for the next few months? What are you? His boyfriend?" the CEO of Diamant studios questioned.

"No, I just want to get to know him more, he's interesting," stated Tsurugi bluntly.

"You know, you have to ask him, not me. My twin is his personal manager, so he can just talk to my twin to see when he can meet up," the CEO informed Chōkan.

Chōkan could've sworn that the CEO's eyes glowed a deep purple. The aura that surrounded him was intimidating, sadistic, and insidious to the point it felt as if he had a file for every person on earth. As a CEO himself, Chōkan knew that is what being a CEO was stereotypically about. 

A very small minority of people knew the CEO's identity, Chōkan considered himself lucky for knowing with consent; if anyone else knew, they'd immediately be ceased and held captive. It'd been rumored that the CEO also owns the city of Boujee, which has a private school located in the centre.   

"Is that all you came to see me for?" the CEO asked.

"Not really, I also wanted to collaborate with the company for my company's anniversary," answered Tsurugi. "I want your singers to perform, I will pay for the venue."  

On his way back to his home, the sky began to change into the hues of noon, the wind grazed his cheek, and he listened to the Prinser cover of "New Song" by  måneskin. The song complimented the summery weather; the guitar riffs by Doi Managi and Yano Junshi added flavour to the instrumental, Matsubara Ranmu's drumming added a catchy rhythm and Ouhi Nakago's gravelly vocals spiced things up.

When he got back home, his eyes and ears felt as if they had received what they'd hope for (in which they did). The Perushime Botan was laying on the bed, in a slinky sleeping gown and Chōkan couldn't help but to drool over Perushime's feminine looking body.

"How about we make a deal Tsuru? I rendezvous with you for the next few months and you get to have me for the nights," Botan seductively offered.

 Chōkan obviously couldn't refuse and kissed Perushime's honey flavoured lips again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2022 ⏰

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