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Why do people go outside anymore?

In all honesty, it was a question Y/N didn't know the answer to. Whenever Y/N looked outside it looked so plain and dull. Y/N would always brush off their parents when they were told to do anything anymore, especially the request to go out into the world.

Y/N wanted to be free from this place, so they distracted themselves with video games. Building and creating worlds was one way for Y/N to escape the true horrors of the world.

The money debt their parents were in was always brought up. It was made known about the money crisis everyday in this household. Y/N couldn't handle it anymore, so with the help of their headphones, they got over all the issues. If only they had been more alertive, they would have heard the terrible yet lovely events that would occur to them.


"What do you mean?!" Y/N screamed at their parents when they noticed the two tall men in suits standing at the door, waiting for them.

"We are so sorry Y/N, we -" the parents started, but getting interrupted by y/n.

"What!? What could you need over me? Your own child! Your very own blood!" Y/N seethed.

Y/Ns parents mumbled something that Y/n couldn't understand.

"Mind speaking up?" Y/N commanded in a harsh tone.

"Money..." Y/Ns parents say in unison, and trailing off after they finished saying the word.

Y/N knew about the money, but never expected them to actually get rid of their beloved child for some quick cash. Before Y/Ns parents could open the door, Y/N wanted to get some final words in.

"Couldn't get a job, huh?" Y/N whispered enough for them to hear and lower their head in self-disappointment.

Once the door was opened, the two men stood there. Their suits were very pristine, and recently ironed. The sunglasses they were wearing almost made them look like hitmen.

"You know why we are here." One of the men said in a flat and boring tone.

In silence, Y/N walked closer to the men. Before they got out of the door, Y/N turned around to make eye contact with their parents. The moment they connected, their parents broke the eye contact in mere seconds, looking away from Y/N.

Y/N immediately stormed out of their comfortable home one they realized that their parents didn't love them as much as they thought.


The car ride was long with lots of bumps along the way. Y/N was very grateful that the car had air conditioning due to the extremely hot weather in the area at the moment.

Y/N couldn't help but wonder who the main boss is. Y/N hoped that the person leading this group of people was nice, or at least polite. They wouldn't lie and say that they weren't the slightest bit nervous about actually facing the person, but curiosity killed the cat. They couldn't stop imagining what they looked like.

Although Y/N's mind kept on wandering, the imagination of this person immediately stopped when they pulled up to this very tall building with lots of windows you could barely see through. Not a soul was in sight on the outside of the building, but because the building was so tall and had so many floors, Y/N knew that there must have been a lot of people on the inside of that building.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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