27. Until The Day We Die

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Cam had woken up in the middle of the night restless. She tossed and turned for almost two hours before deciding to say something. "hmm" the blonde boy that lay besides her hums.

She cuddles close to him "do you see me in your future, like the far future?" he fully wakes up at her words, his dreamy blue eyes fluttering open.

"Camilla Thorton, I see you and only you in my future. I wanna grow smelly and old with you and have kids, I mean shit let's travel the world on a surf trip. You're the one for me... do you see me in your far future?"

Her eyes widen at his touching words. Butterflies erupt inside her. God did she love that boy. "ditto" she smiles wildly, pressing her lips to his.

"I'm gonna love you until the day I die CeCe" he coos, his voice still raspy.

"Until the day we die" she smiles, giving him another light kiss. JJ hugs the girl tightly, she listens to his heartbeat and matches her breathing to his.

Cam finds peace in his comfort and finally managed to drift back to sleep.

Multiple hours later Cami wakes up, she rolls over to find no JJ laying with her. She slightly frowns before getting up, the sun was just rising so she knew it was around 5am.

"Jay?" she groggily mutters while wandering the chateau. She finds her boyfriend outside on the hammock, stretched out comfortably. "you ok?" she asks while walking over to him.

He smiles at her presences and nods "you need sleep princess, go lay back down" he scrunches his nose. She climbs in with him, he pulls her body into his. "what are you doing?" she asks him.

JJ shrugs, "couldn't sleep, I decided to watch the sunrise" the blonde says. She hums back, closing her eyes. "when can we get married?" the brunette furrows her eyebrows, her eyes remaining shit.

"the second we turn 18 my love" he smiles "future Maybank"

3 weeks later

"she hasn't said a word all day, I-I don't know what I did!" JJ rambles to Kiara and Sarah.

Cam had been in a super good mood the past few weeks and all the sudden she won't move, she won't talk, eat, shower and is reckless all night.

"maybe she's just tired JJ" Sarah reasons with the boy "or just missing her family" Kiara adds. JJ shakes his head, "no I really think somethings wrong"

The girls exchange looks "give her some time, if she doesn't get better talk to her about going to a doctor" Sarah smiles at him. "look I gotta run, text if you need she finishes before walking off, Kiara also making an excuse to leave.

JJ goes back into their shared bedroom just to find the girl laying in the same spot staring blankly into space. He lays next to her, wrapping his arms around the small emotionless girl.

"hi my love" he whispers, planting a soft kiss to her cheek. She of course doesn't answer, in fact she doesn't even bay an eye. "you look beautiful" he smiles, trying to get a reaction and caressing her cheek.

With yet another failed attempt to make her snap out of he kisses her yet again and walks off. The blonde makes some toast for his girlfriend and returns to her.

He places the plate in front of her "I made you some food, you gotta eat baby" he crouched on the floor next to the bed so he's eye level with her. She grumbles and turns around, progress?

JJ frowns and goes to her other side, laying next to her, putting their faces close together. "cmon please talk to me" he pouts "wheres my happy girl? I know she's in their" JJ smiles, kissing her nose.

What the hell is going on?

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