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He pushed the fingers deeper, continuing to stretch himself as his mind raced.

He was about to fuck himself with a monster ultra can.

What the fuck.

The fourth finger was almost too easy as it slid it, the slick noise of the lube every time he pushed in made Karl whine desperately.

He pulled them out suddenly,clenching around nothing as he whimperd.

His hand reached across the bed to the white can,picking it up and looking at it.

Well he was to deep to stop now.

He covers it with lube before he moved back to his original position,legs spread and pushed up to his chest as his arm pressed the base to his hole.

He faltered slightly,drawing away for a second before he heard a voice.

"God Karl,are you really that desperate?"

The blondes eyes widened as they flicked up to meet sapnap's.

"How long have you been stood there?"Karl managed to stutter out,the can still firmly against his hole as sapnap watched,leant against the doorframe with his arm crossed and a smirk resting on his lip

"Long enough to know you  certinatly aren't stopping just yet,"he chuckled,pushing himself up and walking over to karl

"you look so fucking pretty like this,wanna tie you up and make you beg puppy."

Karls eyes widened at the prospect as he moaned,"box.under bed."

The can stayed put,not pushing in but not pulling away either as sapnap reached under the bed to find a medium sized black box. He pushed off the lid and his jaw dropped.

Rope,lots of rope,but also a lot of...other things.

The main thing that caught sapnap's eye was the remote controlled vibrator that looked like it was made to be placed on the head of a cock.

But that was for another day.

"Want me to tie you up baby?" Sapnap asked,rubbing slowly across karls thigh while his other hand reached into the box and pulled out one neatly coiled length of rope.karl nodded and sapnap shook his head"I need words,baby."

"Yes.tie me up."

And Sapnap couldn't have moved faster

He unraveled the long rope and as karl went to tell him how to start tying him up,sapnap shushed him"I know what I'm doing,don't worry your pretty little head about it."

Karl moaned at that,his thighs and calves being tied together as sapnap went over the 'rules'.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2021 ⏰

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