
58 4 8

The sun rises above through the white, fluffy clouds

It's 6:59

10 more seconds...











Y/N wakes up a second right before the clock strikes 7am

the grandfather clock in the house strikes morning all throughout the wooden walls of the orphanage that everyone called home

Y/N sits up from her bed

"Ugh..." She rubs her head and eyes

God I'm so tired...ugh...i just want 5 more minutes...

But if i don't get up right now mama will get mad at me..

She suddenly sits up straight

Wait, but it's my sleep right? so i can choose how much i get! Obviously, that's how it works right? right.

Y/N decided to herself that she'll get at least 5 more minutes of sleep, since she's always the first person to wake up, so she deserves it

she lays back down in her still warm bed and snuggles into her sheets

A few seconds after, she senses emma waking up

oh great, sounds like the lucky charms leprechaun's awake. just my luck

"Good morning everyone! Time to get up or you'll be late for breakfast!" she shouts from her bed

i hide under the sheets

she won't notice me right?

after a few minutes, i hear someone jump onto my bed

"c'mon y/n! time to get up!" the red-head shouts into my ear

"ugh...not right now..jeez.." i mumble into my blanket

"hmph! fine! you leave me no choice but to bring out my secret weapon..." she rubs her hands together

"do whatever, i'm staying here where it's comfy." i utter

she leaps off my bed

"finally. peace and quiet..." I say as i tuck myself in bed

after a minute or two i hear someone come into the room

"huh..? who's walking towards me-" I utter

After a second, a book drops onto my head over the blanket

I wince

"get up dumbass" i hear a raspy, low voice say

"oh great. if it isnt wannabe sasuke." i sigh

"just get the hell up y/n don't make it hard." the voice sternly says

"whatever u say sasuke" i croak

i peek out from my sheets

i blink my eyes

"i can't feel my feet...do you think they're numb? because i can't really move them or walk so-" i start

but before i finish, the black-haired boy shoves me onto my nightstand 


"what? you said you couldn't walk and i didn't wanna wait and still here for 15 minutes waiting for ur feet to numb out." 

i cross my arms

"y'know if you ask me..." he starts

my eyes narrow at him in curiosity 

"i don't think you can live without me." he smirks


"because i don't think you can manage without me. think about it, you always need help with one thing or another. and you can barely do it by yourself. just like you were when i first met you." he looks at me

"ray, how could you possibly remember when we met? it was literally a decade ago." i roll my eyes

"i have infantile amnesia dumbass. i've told you that countless times. see? you can't even remember things on your own," he flicks my forehead

"but that's aside from the point, when i first met you, you needed help to CRAWL." he narrows his eyes

"WELL I-" i start

i expected him to interrupt so it would look like i was about to say something, but he already interrupted me so it was too late, so i at least wouldn't look like a dumbass like he said.

"well you what?" he looks at me seriously

"you know what? nevermind! i don't need to explain myself to you!" i snap

"hm. maybe it's because you have nothing to explain." he says

"anyways, get dressed, mom's waiting for you." he shoves his hands in his pockets

"yeah yeah." i roll my eyes 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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