Chapter 37

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    Pinestorm paced around outside in the clearing

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    Pinestorm paced around outside in the clearing. Cries were heard throughout the camp. He just couldn't rest with his mate laying in the nursery.

    Many moons have passed since the storm. The clans have changed so much. Both of his littermates have already found mates and have had kits. The three of them thought that he and Tawnypool would have been the first.

    Sandyfur became Applestep's mate. The two had three kits, Lightpool, Fernpebble, and Redpelt. All three of their kits are now newly made warriors. Clovershine took Dustshade as her mate and they had two toms, Wavepaw and Stonepaw.

    Along with his two littermates, Brightpool and Rowanfrost kitted a sibling for them, Brightmist. Pinestorm believed she looked almost exactly like her mother. They both had the same coat patterns and the same eye color.

    "How is she doing," he turned around to see Shimmerstar. The she-cat had to face the death of her mate not too long ago in battle. It was the same battle that had killed Lionstar, making Shimmerstar the new leader. She had appointed his old mentor, Stormwhisker as her new deputy.

    It was also around that time when the tom had brought in a kit, claiming it was his. He never reveal the mother, but now Tigerspot worked hard to show his loyalty to his father's clan and really was a big help in Morningclan. He's even taken a mate. Streamsong was now in the nursery expecting the tom's kits.

    "She's in so much pain," he said worriedly. "I hope she's doing alright."

    "Tawnypool is a strong warrior. She'll get through this. I remember having my own kits. It was a challenge but seeing their faces always made it better."

    Pinestorm waited anxiously. He hoped that his mate and his kits would be alright. He ran his paw in the dirt below him to help calm his mind.

    Sunstep's head peeked out from the den. He called him inside to see his new kits. Doepaw was at his side. The apprentice was Snowheart's only kit. Doepaw was the only kit to survive Snowheart's brutal birth. Because of that, Doepaw wanted to be a medicine cat to help all the other queens whenever they were kitting.

    "You have three beautiful kits," Doepaw told him. "Two she-cats and a tom."

    Pinestorm shot inside. Tawnypool smiled widely at him. She leaned down and licked the top of their heads. "Aren't they beautiful?"

    He padded over and glanced down at the three bundles. They suckled at Tawnypool's stomach in order to drink some of the milk. They all looked like healthy young kits.

    "They are," he smiled, joyfully.

    "I've already thought of some names." She laid her tail over the tortoiseshell she-kit. "Her name will be Cherrykit." She then moved it over on to the dark brown tom-kit. "And his name to be Dark-kit. I'd left her just for you."

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