WL Chapter 12

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After sitting in bed with a sleeping Miley for a couple of minutes, I decide to carefully get up and try to figure out where the hell I am. I grab my phone and walk around her room, looking out windows, doing anything I can to figure out where the hell I am exactly. I want to leave her room but I'm afraid of what's on the other side..... Johnson texts me.

FROM: Johnson
Matthew, where are you?

He must've gone to the frat house in search of me!

TO: Johnson
To be honest I'm not sure.

FROM: Johnson
What do you mean you're not sure?

TO: Johnson
Like, I thought I was at the frat house but I'm not.

FROM: Johnson
Are you sure?

TO: Johnson
Yeah. I'm not at the frat house.....

FROM: Johnson
Okay. Describe the place.

TO: Johnson
Okay. Well it's unfamiliar and the walls are purplish

With no luck whatsoever as to where I am, I go back to Miley's bed and sit back down. After a few minutes, she wakes up, rolling over to face me and a big smile captures half her face. It's kind of a Cheshire Cat type smile... It's creepy.....
"Hello Matthew." She looks at me with that Cheshire Cat smile still plastered on her face.
"Ummmm hi Miley." I say hesitantly.
"How are you?" She asks casually.
"Good. Just a bit confused as to where I am, what happened last night... That sort of thing."
"Oh Matthew. Matthew, Matthew, Matthew." She laughs a bit.
"You're so stupid." She looks me dead in the eyes.
"Why am I stupid?"
"I drugged you and brought you back to my house!" She replies excitedly, like it's the biggest accomplishment in the world.
"Because, I'm your biggest fan! I'm your girlfriend, you're my boyfriend. We love each other very much and you're going to father my babies." She grins.
My heart begins to beat faster. This girl is fucking PSYCHO. Why would she kidnap me!?
"Ummm Miley. You're a sweet girl and all but.... I need to go back to my friends. We all have very busy lives that we have to-"
"Oh you mean Magcon?" She looks evil for a moment and then it vanishes. "Honey, Magcon is becoming a train wreck. All the perfect puzzle pieces that kept it together in the first place LEFT. Now it's just a bunch of lameos."
"You mean Aaron and Shawn and...?" I can't really think of anyone else left in Magcon. I mean, the Jacks left to pursue singing, same with Sammy. Dillon left for I don't even know what. Taylor is doing The RV Project, the Grier's and Cameron and Carter are now MGMT26. Other than that.... There's really no one left in Magcon.
"Exactly. No one likes them anyways."
"Miley, why not tell that to Shawn's over 2 million fans and followers that love and support him? Or maybe Aaron's millions of supporters."
"Nah." She shrugs. "I'd rather not. I'd rather just keep you all to myself and not let anyone know where to find you. Which is exactly why we're here at my house." She smiles.
I look at her confused.
"We're far away from civilization meaning no one can bother us and we can be alone and happy and work on creating and raising our beautiful children together."
This girl is fucking crazy. I'm kind of scared of what she's capable of and from the way she talks she's going to force me to have sex with her.
"Do you not like that idea baby?" Miley asks, leaning forward and kissing me softly, her lips lingering for a moment before she finally pulls back.
I don't say anything. It's not like I really have a choice in this matter. I've been kidnapped for Christ's sake and I have no clue where I am and this psycho is going to pretty much rape me. What the hell did I do to deserve this?!
"Well baby," she crawls past me out of bed. "I'm going to go take a shower. I'll be right back." She begins to walk away, pulling her shirt over her head as she does, her back to me. It's beginning to sexually arouse me a bit seeing her perfect back and hips. She pulls off her shorts and then she just stands there in panties and a bra.
Oh Lord.... Don't think about it Matthew.... Don't give in.
She turns back around and faces me, pulling her light brown hair out of the bun it was previously in and let's it flow around her shoulders. "You can join me if you want." She smiles seductively and puts her arm behind her back to unhook her bra.
"No thanks, I'm good." I reply.
"Okay babe well be prepared for when I come back from my shower." She winks at me and unhooks her bra, turning slightly to the side so that way then I can't see her full on boobs but I can still see them.
Argh this girl is frustrating me sexually right now. My hormones are beginning to go apeshit and I can feel little Matt ready to do stuff. Don't think about it Matthew.... It's a trap. It's a horrible trap that I don't want to find myself stuck in.
She pulls down her panties and then she's a naked girl standing front of me. There's a naked girl in front of me! She walks back over to me, leaning closer to me, everything out in open practically touching me. Our lips are millimeters away from touching. "You know you want me." She says seductively before kissing my lips. She stands back up and walks out of the room, with a slight wave and a sway of her hips. She shuts and locks the door behind her. I hear the door next to this one room shut and the water turn on.
What the hell am I gonna do!? I don't know where I am or how I'm going to get home! I check my phone and discover a text from Johnson that I didn't know I even had.

FROM: Johnson
More than that!

I quickly type a text back, unsure of how much time I'll have before Miley comes back.

TO: Johnson
Jack, I know sort of where I am. Miley woke up and told me she drugged me and kidnapped me last night and took me to her house. She said it's not really anywhere near civilization and that we are alone. I'm scared because she was trying to seduce me a few minutes ago. She stripped down in front of me and then locked the door and went to take a shower. I'm locked in her room and I have no idea where I am and I'm afraid she's going to force me to have sex with her and then she's going to get pregnant and then it's going to fuck up the rest of my life. Jack I'm scared of what's going to happen. Please find me soon. 😭😩😫😔

FROM: Johnson
Holy fuck dude! Miley is a psycho. Be careful and we will try to find you soon. I'm going to the police station right now.

TO: Johnson

FROM: Johnson
Not a problem. Be careful and hopefully I'll see you soon.

TO: Johnson
Me too. And hey Jack?

TO: Johnson
If you guys don't find me anytime soon and something happens to me, tell everyone I love them and tell my parents I'm sorry and that I love them so much.

FROM: Johnson
You will make it out of this. We will find you I promise. But I love you too, stay safe bro.

TO: Johnson
Thank you. I love you.

I hear the door next to this one open and I quickly out my phone into my pocket, scared that Miley is going to make me do something with her when she gets back. The knob turns just then and Miley walks in in only a big purple, fluffy towel.
"Are you ready baby?" She asks with a smirk before dropping the towel and pretty much throwing herself at/ on me. She begins to attack me in kisses as she paws at my shirt.
Shit, the guys need to find me SOON!

A/N so what do you guys think of Miley? 😂 anyways, what do you think will happen next? How long do you think it'll take for them to find Matt?

Wellllllll I hope you enjoyed the chapter ilysm. 😘 I'll see you guys very soon. ❤️

-Shelby Lynn Jolinsky Wilkaloley 🙈💕

P.S. Please check out my new Skathan Maloley fanfic 'Wassup' it's really eventful so far and I promise you people that it'll be good ^.^ anyways I'm off to so the next update. Bye. ❤️😘

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