Stay for living

24 4 1

It's morning, Jin woke up seeing a beautiful sunlight thru the window.
He wash he's face and change he's clothes that Mina gave him

Mina: Oh, your awake, come here!

Jin nodded and sitted to the dining table

Sana: Mina did you- Wahhh!! Intruder! Intruder!!!

She shouts after seeing Jin

Mina: Yah! Are you okay!?

* Sana shakes her head and point at Jin's direction *

Mina: Oh him, he's going to stay here till we find an apartment for him!"

* Imagine while Mina explaining that with a smile on her face (adorable, lil penguin) *

Sana: Ah, I'm sorry mister

* Sana and Jin bowed to each other *

Mina: The food is ready! Sana, come on join us!

* Sana just smile and refuse *

Mina: What's with her? •mumbled•

Jin: Who is she?

"He finally speak!" (Mina's thought)

Mina: my roommate, her name is Sana, we're both Japanese that travels here for a job!

* Jin nodded while eating *



Mina: Sir, I already find the two!

*she gave the information papers to the chief *

Chief Jeon: Good to know, you can leave now!

Mina: What?

Chief Jeon: You already find them, you can go!

Mina: But what about arresting them-

Chief Jeon: Shush! My son will take care of them!

Mina: But I-

Chief Jeon: Your work here is done, come back here if those two got arrested, okay?

* Mina stumps her feet and walk away*

( Mina mumbled: I hate them so much!)

Mina is a girl who really wants a job that "can girls do", so she take Criminal justice, but it's not what she expected
Still the man need to work things out


Mina banged the door

Jin: What happend?

* Mina just looked at Jin's puzzled face*


Sana: Mina- Unnie!!

* Run towards Mina *

Sana: What happened?

* Mina sigh in anger and stumps her feet *

Mina: I hate them so much!

*crossed arm *

Jin pov:

Seeing her like that, pouty lips, crossed arm while stumping her feet. Baby indeed!

Ends Jin pov:

Sana: Jin, can you get some water for Mina-Unnie? Thanks

* Jin get a glass of water and gave it to Mina *


Jin: Are you okay?

* Jin said while approaching Mina, who sitted at the couch*

Mina: Uhmm, yeah-

* Wiped tears *

Mina: What about you? Why are you still awake?

* Jin scratched he's neck to think of a possible explanation *

"I can't tell her that I wan't a pxssy, right now!" [Jin thought]

Jin: Uhm... I heard you sobbing- uhm, yeah, you're sobbing that's why!

Mina: I'm sorry Jin, if I'm too loud

* Held Jin's hand *

"Jin, stay calm!!"

* Jin is now sweating. Mina notice it that somethings going onto Jin *

Mina: Are you okay?

* Jin stared at Mina's brown eyes and nodded *

Jin: Yes, it's just-

*Take he's hand away to Mina's grip *

Mina: ...? Oh, I'm sorry,did you feel uncomfortable when I held your hand? I'm really sorry!

Jin: Ah, no! Th- that's okay!

* awkward smile for those two *

Mina: Yo- you should sleep now

* Mina break the silence *

Jin: Oh yeah, good night, then!

* Mina nodded *

Hope you like it, even it's boring!

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