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Shoutout to my friend yuvinaballuck for voting on the previous chapters.💓 You can also check out her story "Life as it is."

"How do you know him?" I asked as I filled my plate with more chicken wings.

"Who?" Cami took a sip from her drink and looked at me confused.

"That guy who came earlier."

"Oh, Drance you mean?" I nodded.

"He's the brother-in-law of my boss. He does come at the office from time to time. They actually own a family business, the Drance industries." I listened carefully while munching on my wings.

"One of the top building industries in the US. They have branches everywhere." Frank jumped in the conversation.

"Five in US, three in Europe, two in Asia, one in Africa." I made an impressive face.

"I worked for them once. They had a project in the UK. They pay really really well." Frank said.

"I suggest you should apply for them after your Masters. I'm positive you may bag a place there." I pondered on his words.

"Why did you not continue to work there?" I asked curiously.

"It was on a contract and I wasn't sure of my career at that time." I nodded in understanding.

"How do you not remember that I work there?" Cami asked confused.

"I don't remember you saying Drance. You always mention Mrs.Perry."

"Well, that man who came earlier is Nathaniel Drance, Perry is married to his elder brother, Daniel Drance. They have a cute daughter named Adrianna and both men are hot."

"Excuse me, I'm right here." Frank cleared his throat. I smiled.

"Sorry sweetheart, I'm just trying to ignite a desire in my friend's heart to start dating again. And oh!" She clasped her hands together in front of her like a child.

"Nathaniel is single. I heard he broke up with his fiancé a few years ago. She was a nice piece of eye candy but that doesn't matter anymore. The guy is rich, good looking and smart. What do you need more?" She asked as a matter of fact. I rolled my eyes and walked to the sink, dropping in my dirty plate and washed my hands.

"Thanks for family story but I'm. Not. Interested." I wiped my hands with the kitchen towel and went back to have a seat at the table. Her description of the Drance family sounds like an elite family to me and I like to keep my distance from high class people. There are always drama going on with them; not that I didn't have any but they are the kind of people who always draw in attention no matter what whether they like it or not. No wonder, it was so easy for Cami to figure out who broke up with whom or why or how or when. To my opinion, things like that should remain personal but sometimes being of high class or influential always managed to get people aware of life status which sucks completely by the way.

"Why are you being so boring? I know your dating life sucks but you need to suck it up and live your life." Her words pricked me and there was an awkward silence around us while we looked at each other dumbfounded. I know she didn't mean to say it like that or be rude but the way the words came out of her mouth made me think of things I didn't want to. My dating life sucks for sure but three months wasn't enough to get over a breakup. It wasn't enough to get over a relationship which lasted for seven years. Maybe I was being dramatic or Cami couldn't really understand why I didn't want to date again. I just don't trust men anymore. But that doesn't mean I wasn't living my life. I was. Alone, yes. Probably pathetic but I was happy. I was satisfied with the progress I was making in my life and I didn't need anything else right now or anyone for that matters.

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