Meeting the twins

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Ahh, summer break" You narrated, "A time for rest, relaxation, and leisure"

"Unless you're me"

A golf cart crashed through a sign reading; 'Welcome to Gravity Falls', the three figures in it were screaming,

"Hurry up Conifer!" You shouted, sitting on the back of the cart, shooting blasts of water at the monster,

"It's getting closer!" The other female shouted as the cart ricocheted around a rock.

"My name is Y/N Cipher, the kid driving the cart is Dipper Pines, and the girl about to puke is his sister Mabel, You may be wondering how I'm shooting water from my hands, let's just say that being the daughter of an all-powerful dream demon has its perks, as for the creature of unimaginable horror I'm firing them at, well, rest assured, there's a perfectly logical explanation. Let's rewind"

You were singing quietly to yourself as you swept the floors of the gift shop in the Mystery Shack, the tourist trap in which you worked;

"♪Who's the honey, Who's got it all~♪" You shimmied as you swept, "♪Disco girl, coming through, that girl is you, oh oooh oh, oh oooh oh~♪" You closed your eyes, lost in the music when you heard the door to the gift shop open, and opened your eyes to see your boss, Stan Pines, standing next to two kids with brown hair that looked around your age. You smiled and pulled your headphones down to your neck, pausing the music in the process, these must be Stans' great-niece and nephew that were going to stay for the summer.

"Hiya, you must be Dipper and Mabel Pines, I'm Y/N Cipher, it's a pleasure to meet-cha!" you introduced yourself to the twins, and you noticed the male staring at your eyes, damn it, he must have seen your F/C irises and slit pupils, you rubbed your neck, "Sorry, you probably noticed my unnatural eyes, I hope they didn't scare you" You apologised, as the boy blushed in embarrassment,

"No, I just thought your contacts were cool, that's all" he admitted,

"Contacts? oh, Nah I was born with these" you giggled, as the female cut in;

"Did you say your last name was Cipher? Does that mean you're really good with codes, I bet Dipper would love that, he's super into that kinda stuff!" She nudged her brother, who flushed slightly,

"Mabel!" He whined at his sisters' teasing,

"Yeah, I'm good with codes, languages, etcetera, I get it from my dad" You explained,

"That's awesome!" Dipper replied and you smiled at his enthusiasm, you already knew that the pair of you would become good friends. You were about to continue chatting when Stan ordered the twins to go set up their rooms.

"See ya later!" You waved at the twins going upstairs, before finishing up sweeping the floor, you could already tell that they were both on the zodiac, your dad would be annoyed that you became friends with more people on the wheel, but you didn't care, you were your own person and could make your own decisions, he'd get over it, he always did.

You were chatting with Wendy and Soos when the twins returned, quickly introducing themselves to the other two workers before the five of you made your way outside.

"Mabel tends to look on the bright side of things" Dipper explained to the three of you, as a woodpecker rested on his hat,

"Yay Grass!" The female exclaimed rolling around, before rolling down the hill, and you giggled before someone jumped out with a Godzilla mask,

"Boo!" The figure exclaimed, causing Dipper to scream and fall over, as the figure took the mask off, revealing himself to be Stan, and laughed, whilst Dipper just stared at him in annoyance, and you, Soos, and Wendy stifled your laughs. You helped Dipper up from the ground.

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