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You woke up to someone shaking you exuberantly and groaned,

"Dad, let me sleep for five more minutes" you rolled to your side, forgetting that you had slept over at the mystery shack.

"I'm not your dad, I'm Mabel, remember!" A voice cut through your thoughts as you jolted awake in surprise, before remembering the previous day's events,

"Oh, right, sorry Comet, my dad's pretty energetic too, so in my tiredness, I just assumed" You smiled meekly,

"Don't worry about it, just help me get Dip Dop to stop reading that journal you two found yesterday" Mabel requested, and you looked to the side to see Dipper buried in the book and pulled yourself onto the bed to look over his shoulder, seeing him meticulously re-reading over a page near the start, titled 'myself', with a scribbled-out picture of the author and a detailed description of his work,

"You got a crush on this guy or something?" You joked, startling Dipper, as he automatically slammed the book closed, before noticing that you were the one talking;

"Oh, Y/N, it's just you" he caught his breath, re-opening the book onto the page he was reading, "I was just seeing if I could figure out who the author was, but I can't find anything that might hint towards his identity, since his face is scribbled out, and there's else nothing of use!" He exclaimed in irritation,

"You don't need to bother about who this mysterious 'author' person is right now, Conifer" You answered kindly, picking up the journal and flicking through it, stopping on a page about something called the 'unified theory of weirdness' which was clearly a topic the author was very confused and curious about, since at the top of the double-page spread, 'what does it mean' was clearly written. "See this, there's something big he was working on, and I might just have some knowledge on the topic" You pointed to the page, as Dippers eyes widened,

"I hadn't looked at this page much yet, these must all be creatures the author has seen or met!" Dipper grasped the book, taking in all the different silhouettes, before Mabel jumped onto the bed as well, pointing to one of the creatures;

"Is that a mermaid! There are mermaids in Gravity Falls!?" She asked in joy and you chuckled,

"Yeah, they live at the bottom of the lake, but that's nothing, you should meet the lilliputians" You laughed,

"What are those?" Mabel asked,

"It's hard to explain, don't worry about it" You waved off the question,

"Guys, don't you see, this journal is filled with unsolved mysteries, and with it, we could solve all of them, what is the unified theory of weirdness, Why was this book hidden, and most importantly of all, who is the author?" Dipper flicked back to the page he was looking at when you first looked over his shoulder. You smiled and grabbed the journal again,

"That's what I was trying to tell ya Conifer!" You smiled, pulling the twins to the door,

"♪Summer's just begun, and by the end, I'm sure we will have unravelled all these mysteries" You began, as the three of you walked down the stairs,

"Are you, singing?" Dipper asked, and you gave him a wink in confirmation, leading to the door,

"♪We will pull back the veil, and reveal a clue that leads to, one hundred more, on a never-ending trail " You continued, pointing to the road into town,

"♪Books and runes and dreams, oh, nothing's as it seems♪" You grabbed the journal, opening it to a page with four symbols on it,

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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