Chapter 2

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Now what I hadn't known was that there was a very small hole in that suit. A small bit of that poison had gotten inside me without me noticing. I should have noticed that the nausea that I started feeling every once in a while over time was not natural. I had just shrugged it off, taken some Advil and gone with it. I will now live to regret my ignorance and idiocy. For that small amount of poison that had gone inside me had slowly been killing me.

The day that I had been rushed to the hospital was a calm and cheerful one. Jack, Gwen and I were eating take out in the meeting room, talking freely and happily, as there were no alien issues at that moment. I had just gotten up to toss out the take out boxes when I felt a terrible pain inside me. My sight went white and I collapsed on the floor. I could hear Jack and Gwen's frantic cries and yells but I couldn't see anything but blinding pain. Next thing I knew I was being lifted up and into something. I vaguely recognized that I was in an ambulance and Jack was tightly holding my hand, with Gwen on my other side. I could hear Jack's voice. "It's okay Lev don't worry you're going to be fine. I promise that you'll be fine. You have to be fine! I almost lost you a year ago and I'm not loosing you again!" I clung tight to the sanctuary that was Jack. At that moment, Jack's tight grip on my hand was the only solid proof that there was any other existence besides pain. I could hear a man near me speaking. "We're not quite sure what's wrong with her. Then again, it is a rare occurrence that we know what's wrong at first glance. With your permission I'd like to give her a drug to make her loose consciousness. Then we can further investigate without causing her more pain"

I heard Gwen speak "Well..." and then I heard Jack "Alright. Just... Don't hurt her. Please."

The man spoke once more. "We won't," he said. "In fact, it would cause less pain if she was unconscious. As you can see she is in an extreme amount of pain right now. If we can figure out what's wrong we may be able to dull that pain. Then she might be able to speak again."

"Okay," I heard Jack say after taking a deep breath. "Go ahead."

I wasn't sure what happened next, but some time later I started feeling drowsy. I gladly accepted the drowsiness and soon fell fast asleep.

Levana FawnWhere stories live. Discover now