Chapter 12

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      I woke up around 3 in the morning, We all went to bed around 1 last night. I took a deep breath and looked out the window and saw the moon, It was getting smaller. I looked around the room to see Peter asleep on the couch, I stood up and checked to see Derek asleep in his bed. I checked on Isaac and saw he was asleep and snoring slightly. I smiled to my self and grabbed my bag, I changed in to baggy sweatpants and a big black shirt I stole of Derek's. I sit on my 'Bed' and put my laptop in my lap. I grab the DVD and put it in, I put headphones on and watch it again. When it's over I have nothing but anger in me when I noticed my dad wasn't drinking. I grabbed my phone and walk out of loft. I walk around town for while and I pass Scott's house. I walk to his door and hear Stiles in hie room, I climb up to his window and look in. "Scott, Why didn't you tell me?" Stiles said. Scott looks away and says "Because I couldn't ok!" He was getting upset. "Why not? We are best friends Scott, We are like brothers!!" Stiles yelled. Scott whipped around and yelled "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU STILES!!! Your the reason I'm gay!!" Scott looked toward me and I waved him out. Stiles was to shocked to speak so Scott came out of the house and meet me.
        I grab his shoulder and we walk down the street while Stiles processes that. "Did I do the right thing?" Scott asked after we sat down in the park a few streets over. I looked at him and raised and eye brow. He chuckled and said "And look I'm talking to the girl who doesn't fight back." I frowned and shoved him. "I'm kidding." I smiled and looked out to the stars. "It's beautiful." I whispered, Scott looked up and smiled. We laid down looking at the stars when I hear a car park. I knew it was Stiles and when he came over to us I smiled at him. He kneels down by Scott who had his eyes shut. He laid on top of him and slammed their lips together. Scott's eyes snapped open I smiled and stood up. I leave them silently and wonder the street thinking over my life. I ended up in the woods and sat against a tree. I let my claws come out on my right hand. I scraped it across my left arm until it was to deep to heal quickly.
        I sat there and let my arm bleed, I watched my arm bleed and try to heal. When my arm was fully healed I had blood on my sweats and my arm was covered in it. I stood up and walked back to the loft. When I got there it was about 5 and Peter was up but Derek and Isaac were asleep. He took one look at me and Grabbed my arm. I told him what happened when I woke and everything up to when I walked home. He held me while I cried, I looked at him threw tears and he smiled at me. "I'm glad you found out....." I was confused and then Peter added "I used to be friends with your father, That was until he showed me this video. I stopped talking to him and I even threatened him if this continues I would kill him....... He beat you instead I guess." I looked at him and cried more.
It is about 7 and I just woke up, Peter has his arms around my waist and my head was on his shirtless chest. I looked around and saw Isaac and Derek looking at us. I sat up quickly and Peter woke up, "Care to explain?" Derek asked I laughed and said "I was crying and Peter held me, I fell asleep in his arms nothing happened." I stood up and Isaac saw my arm. I sighed and walked to the kitchen to wash it as he questioned me.

Am I That Hard To Love? (Derek Hale Love Story.)EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now