But that doesn't mean i'll let you go.

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The two of you would continue to argue whenever the two of you would catch one with another person. Finally Bumblebee shoved you against the wall his hot breath going against you.

"I've had it with you hanging out with Knockout, are you seriously wishing death on him? I am tired of you and him hanging out! The mech you need is in front of you!" Bumblebee growled.

"Oh no, I'm so scared!" You kicked him away.

"Well maybe I wouldn't sleep around or 'attempt' to cheat on your sorry aft if you didn't hang out with Arcee all the damn time!" You snapped back.

"It's not my fault that Optimus keeps pairing us up!" Bumblebee snapped back.

"If you didn't want to piss me off you would've growed a pair and told Optimus you don't want to be paired with Arcee, but seeing as you didn't you must really enjoy riding her port? She must really enjoy your spike!" You snapped.

"Oh yeah?! You must really enjoy riding Knockout's spike! I can see you moaning saying 'ohmiprimus Knockers!~ It's soooo big!~' What's so BIG about Knockout huh?" Bumblebee mocks. Bumblebee sneered at you.

"Oh please! If I really wanted to cheat on you I would kill you first so I wouldn't have to deal with you killing anyone!" You snapped. Bumblebee wiped energon from his lip and looked at you.

"Your just fragging wonderful aren't you?" He asked.

"Well, what do you know? You dated me! Now, stop fragging thinking me and Knockout are dating when were not." You said.

Bumblebee scoffs. "You drive me crazy." He kissed you, as you placed both your servos on his helm.

"And you drive me up the wall." You reply as the two of you kissed, he begins to let his servos roam down to your lower body, and your panel opens giving away, but before Bumblebee could do anything with you, Optimus called for him. He grunts before getting off of you.

"Next time i will. count on it." Bumblebee stalks towards where Optimus were.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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Beauty and A Bee ~ Yandere! Bumblebee x Yandere! Femme! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now