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Senpai had a lot of anger throughout his life. How could he not? His previous life was taken away from him when he was just a young teenager. He wasn't ever going to be able to take those years back or see his family again. He wanted revenge against her.

Meeting the mysterious Lemon Demon made him think he finally had the ticket to get that revenge on girlfriend and her family. He was a nasty monster that ate people. It was perfect. They practiced songs together and planned a way to come across her to catch her off guard.

Distractions eventually started to make Senpai get off track though. Life tended to throw distractions at people. It was mostly small things like worrying about what he would get his new nephew for his birthday. Or getting a job. Falling in love with Lemon Demon though was the biggest distraction. All of these things combined were welcomed distractions, they made Senpai so happy after being miserable for so long

Revenge was hardly a priority anymore.

The future now brought thoughts of living his days out with Lemon Demon and even maybe starting a family of his own with him, as crazy as that sounded. Sen just wanted to enjoy being out of the game. Girlfriend's family had no power over him anymore.

Those happy days were quickly interrupted as Sen felt dizzy and tired in a way he never felt before. While washing dishes he collapsed.

"Senpai!" Lemon Demon said. He instantly went to the side of his partner and checked his head. "Are you ok?!"

Nothing hurt, but Sen's head felt so cloudy he could barely understand what Lem just said.


"How are you feeling?!"


Lemon reached underneath him to pick him and move him to the living room couch.

"Have you been eating enough?" He said while moving him.

"Lem, we literally eat dinner together. You see what I eat."

"You know what I mean."

"Lem don't start that, you know I wouldn't do that anymore."

"I am just making sure," Lem said setting him gently on the couch.

Lem has caught Sen sometimes participating in unhealthy ways to stay skinny. It was a mixture of many insecurities for Sen to feel like he had to look that way. Lem being a gluttony demon refused to let Sen do that and basically watched him like a hawk to make sure he was eating. Lem must have thought that Sen was still finding ways to do that.

"I just feel like I want to sleep. Fuck I have work tomorrow."

"Sen shush! You are definitely not going to work tomorrow. You must be stressed, causing you not to sleep well. Rest." Lem stroked Sen's cheek and he melted into it.

"I'm sorry." Sen said.

"Why are you sorry?"

"I've always been so weak, I'm sorry."

Lem tilted his head. He often viewed Sen as the stronger one of them. He had so much passion and drive to make everything perfect in his life. Lemon tended to just settle. Lem did not like hearing Sen say these negative things about himself.

"Shush Sen, just rest, and things will get better tomorrow."

"Ok." Sen sighed.


It wasn't getting better. Sen felt so tired that he could barely open his eyes. Lem sat next to him by his side stroking his hand wondering what to do.

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