forty three

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chapter forty three
the prisoner of azkaban

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Amelia didn't have a very clear idea of how she had managed to get back into the Honeydukes cellar, through the tunnel, and into the castle once more. All she knew was that the return trip seemed to take no time at all, and that she hardly noticed what she was doing, because her head was still pounding with the conversation she had just heard.

Why had nobody ever told her? Dumbledore, Hagrid, Mr. Greengrass, Cornelius Fudge. . . . why hadn't anyone ever mentioned the fact that Amelia's parents had died because their best friend had betrayed them?

Daphne, Draco, Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle watched Amelia nervously all through dinner, not daring to talk about what they'd overheard, because Pansy and Millicent were sitting close by them.

"Lia?" Pansy asked, looking at the girl. Amelia looked at her. "Are you alright?"

Amelia furrowed her eyebrows as she stared at her still full plate. Amelia went to speak, but she closed her mouth, got up from the Slytherin table and quickly out of the Great Hall before running into a sprint. Daphne and Draco ran after her and were quick enough to see her run into the girls bathroom. The two walked into the bathroom, Draco locking it behind him with his wand so nobody could come in.

"Lia?" Daphne called.

They heard no verbal reply from the brunette, but they heard her throwing up into the toilet furthest away from them. Daphne walked ahead and pushed opened the door Daphne was in to see the brunette sitting on the floor, her head resting on the wall behind her as she had tear stained cheeks. Amelia looked at Daphne, and the blonde said nothing. She sat down next to Amelia and wrapped her arms around the brunette. Amelia said nothing as she rested her head on Daphne's lap.

It's okay," Daphne said, stroking Amelia's dark hair. Amelia smiled at her best friend as Draco grabbed her hand and held it.

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"Lia, you look terrible."

Amelia hadn't gotten to sleep until daybreak. She had awoken to find the dormitory deserted, dressed, and gone down the spiral staircase to a common room that was completely empty except for Blaise, Draco and Daphne.

"Where is everyone?" said Amelia.

"Gone! It's the first day of the holidays, remember?" said Daphne, watching Amelia  closely. "It's nearly lunchtime. I was going to come and wake you up in a minute."

Amelia  slumped into a chair next to the fire. Snow was still falling outside the windows. Marie was spread out in front of the fire like a large, white rug.

"You really don't look well, you know," Blaise said, peering anxiously into her face.

"I'm fine," said Amelia.

"Lia, listen," said Hermione, "you must be really upset about what we heard yesterday. But the thing is, you mustn't go doing anything stupid."

"Like what?" said Amelia.

"Like trying to go after Black," said Draco sharply.

Amelia  could tell they had rehearsed this conversation while she had been asleep. She didn't say anything.

"You won't, will you, Amelia?" said Daphne.

"Because Black's not worth dying for," said Blaise.

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