The Shrinking Potion

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I was walking in my yard until I saw a can of blue stuff. I picked it up and looked at it. It said: "Gel toothpaste. Just dip your toothbrush in" "Strange." I thought to myself. It looked like no one had been using it, so I took it inside. It dipped my toothbrush into the blue gel. I started to brush my teeth. Omigosh. That was THE best toothpaste EVER.

Later, my clothes were starting to get too big. Weird. I got out of the bathroom to see what my sister Alyssa was doing. She was watching TV with her dolls, as usual. She is two years younger than me. I'm ten, she's eight. "Why are you as tall as me suddenly?" Alyssa asked as I sat next to her. "I have no idea." I went to the bathroom to see if she was lying. "What? She wasn't lying?"

I looked at my jeans. They were falling down, even with my belt on. Now I was shorter than Alyssa. Was I dreaming? I decided to pinch myself but unfortunately, it was REAL. I decided to go to sleep.

Six hours later, my clothes were off of me. I was naked! They must have fallen off my body. Not only that, I couldn't reach anything in my room! What was going on? Was I shrinking by chance? I needed to see a doctor. But how would they be convinced that I'm ten when I look like I'm two?! WAIT a minute... but, why am I shrinking? Oh! I know! It was that weird toothpaste! I need to do something! But I can't just go out being naked! I need to find baby clothes in the basement without anyone noticing me. 'Cause now I'm nine inches long! The size of a newborn baby! But the only thing I found was a towel to wrap myself up.

Somehow I need to grow back to five feet, my normal length. Maybe I could eat the toothpaste again! I climbed on the bathroom drawers to the sink. I dipped the big toothbrush into the even bigger can. It just tasted so good!

One minute later, I was only THREE INCHES LONG! The size of a crayon! The toothpaste didn't do anything! I climbed down on the drawers. Just then, I was half an inch long!!! Oh no! The smaller I am, the faster I shrink! It is just about the end of me because my mom is about to step on me!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! The end

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2021 ⏰

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