Artes' Spicy Night

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With the proof of death of the pesky mimics, the kings are both able to be at ease (somewhat) and has proclaimed a temporary time of peace. The gnomes excitedly prepared for the celebration with the adventurers. Within hours, a bountiful banquet has been made. Bowls of green breads lined up in the middle of the table with a few roasted pheasants & boars, and the air is filled with the sweet scent of the mysterious mushroom wine, its thick purple liquid almost like a small galaxy against the goblets.

Raeuis, aside from the drinks on the table, has gotten a free bottle to take home. Noir has completely relaxed at his seat as he swirl the wine in his almost empty goblet, watching Vanya who's taking a happy sip or two while helping Trias with her torn clothing due to the nasty mimics. Etemay cannot help but chuckle into his goblet as Artes played his lute and sang rather loudly than usual, an evident red on his face, probably (or maybe definitely) drunk.

Unbeknownst to him, the two kings have been rather discreetly watching the blond haired bard, both with a hint of a certain glint in their eyes. The boisterous bard put down his lute and King Gnerkli nodded over to one of the nearby gnomes and in the jolly fiasco of the celebration, nobody noticed the lute going missing from the table.

The festivities continued until late hours, Etemay, Noir and Artes in heated conversation with the high Gnome Inventors as Raeius try to convince some of the kitchen crew to teach him how to make the wine but to no avail. Vanya is now just drunkenly braiding one of the female gnomes' hair while Trias leans against her, adding a few comments here and there about putting flowers or mushrooms in the braids, making the other girl and gnomes giggle.

King Korboz has clapped his hands, calling the attention of everyone in the hall.

"Dear gnomes and adventurers, this has been a wonderful time but I believe it's time for rest. Off you trot now! Tomorrow' another new day!" He dismissed everyone, watching the gnomes all walk out first as the adventurers stayed for a bit. King Gnerkli stood next to him as they approach.

"The dragon conundrum is still ongoing. We don't have much info to go on with but we have set sleeping quarters for all of you." Gnerkli spoke as one of the female gnomes (with braided hair) bowed and smiled, gesturing for the adventurers to follow her. Trias and Raeuis went ahead first, next is Etemay and Noir. Vanya and Artes brought up the rear as they went through the tunnels when Arte realized that his lute is not with him as he checks his bag.

"Did I lose it?" He wondered a bit out loud in a panic but Vanya patted his back.

"It's just probably in the banquet hall. Relax." She assured him and he sighed, a small drunk hiccup escaping from him as he look back to the tunnel. "Go on and check, I'll wait up for you here." The cleric said as she leaned against the tunnel walls. Artes nodded, doing a lil jog, and started looking around the table and underneath it as well.

"Looking for something, blondie?" A voice whispered from behind Artes and he spun around, looking down at King Korboz who's smiling at him, standing a wee bit too close to him. Artes nodded.

"My uhhh, my lute." He said as he stepped back a bit, looking behind King Korboz and seeing King Gnerkli standing behind with his hands behind his back. "Pardon me, but uhhh have you two seen it?"

Gnerkli smiled. "I'd tell you if you join us. I'll ensure that it will be a... 'magical' time." The implied words got Arte's face burning red once more. "We'd be more than delighted if you could." Korboz added and Artes chuckled nervously as he felt two additional presence at one of the tunnels.

"Uhm guys?" He called out and Vanya & Noir peeked out from the corner, looking at the three in the hall. Artes looked at the kings before looking back at the two at the tunnels and blushing a bit more. Vanya giggled and gave an ok sign before pulling Noir away from the trio and the kings immediately turned towards the bard.

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