Chapter 34

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The sudden bound and likeness that grew between I and Asiya is something extraordinary to talk about, this girl had totally made me forget my sorrows, she has this jovial and humorous attitude, we really had fun, we play so many games in our various phone, we baked cookies which she taught me how to and she also taught me some make up step and she told be about this certain guy that called her continually like a zillion times in a second!! And she told be about her awesome love story with a cute guy called khalifa

"Do you really love khalifa?" I asked her

"I do of course" she grinned

"How does it feels like when you are in love" I asked her

"It feels everything Salma" she smiled in amiss

"By any chance do I ever told you about any guy in my life?" I asked her

"No I don't think so we were just primary school best friends ai and since from then you hardly share things with me" she said

"What's is it?" She asked

"" I stuttered

"Cmon salma talk to me" she held my hands tightly

"Is just that there's this common guy that always appears in my dream, I feel so attached to him there is this emotional thing about this guy that I can't explain about the guy" I explained

"Salma listen carefully to me, do you normally make attempt of recalling the past?" She asked

"Yes Asiya! I tried to!! Times without number!!! Am in a mess, what if I really have a boyfriend? Would he accept me? Well I can't even remember him right? Would my friends accept me back?" I gulped painfully and let out my tears flow

"Salma" she called out softly

"Listen to your heart, the brain and the body have might forgotten about your love ones but the heart and the soul can still recognize him that's the sign" she said

"Is that what you think"? I asked

"Yes dear" she replied

"If I were you Salma" she stood up hands akimbo at the same time adjusting her channels eye glass

"I will rise to my feet! Accept my faith wholeheartedly, build the confidence in me and face the world" she said

"Like seriously"

"Yes Salma, I over heard my mum and your mum discussing about you going back to my school which I totally disagree with, I think the best solution is to go back to your school friends learn more about yourself and believe me it's would help you recover quickly" she said

"But mum.."

"Salma no buts, it's your life, it's high time we stop our mother's from deciding everything in our life for us, your school is a very good school that I always wished to attend but unfortunately I was denied admission twice due to my dull nature" she blurted

"So be the strong Salma I used to know, get yourself together, summon the courage and confidence and go back to school, go and conquer academically like you always do and finally find your peace of mind, make sure you locate that dream guy and believe me everything will work smoothly" she added

"Asiya but.."

"But what Salma? Students would laugh at you? Some will used advantage of you? Some would point fingers at you bla bla and bla? Is that what's going on in your mind? Come to think of it you never wanted to have Amnesia also but since Qadr had befall on you what could you do? The best option is to face and conquer it, go back to school and believe me when I say you can overcome your obstacles" she demonstrated

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